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I literally couldn't believe my eyes.

Through all the pain that I felt, I was stunned at the sight of my Luna... In all her lycan glory, trying to tear her brother apart.

These two were like yin and yang.

Azazel's fur was a silky pitch black while Zenith had undoubtedly the whitest fur I had ever seen.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed the witch quickly make her away from the fight.

“Go after her.” My wolf demanded.

“Sure thing, Galan. Because I'm in the perfect shape to do that.” I sent back sarcastically.

“We could shift, but I doubt you can handle it.”

“I can't.” I said getting to my feet as painlessly as possible before limping after the witch when Azazel stopped me.

“Leave her and get Kruel out of there.” She mind-linked and I had to change my course even though I really wish I had the strength to kill the witch.

As I made my way down what seemed to be a long hallway through the two metallic doors Azazel pointed at with her snout, I noticed something situated in the corner.

More like someone actually.

The heavy breathing and shaking led me to the realization.

I cautiously neared them as quietly as possible but I wasn't exactly the best at stealth. That being said, the person looked up and the moment their eyes met mine, I felt my heart in my throat.

It was Kruel.

But his eyes were the pitch black that I remembered scared the absolute shît out of Zarya. Even in the dimly lit room, I could make out the dark veins that popped up on both his arms that hang lazily on his knees.

The sight was a little frightening.

A lot frightening actually but I had to remind myself that this was Kruel. My alpha and my bestfriend.

So, gathering up all my strength, I knelt down in front of him before pulling the silver chains that stung to the touch.

I was about to break them apart when I noticed that  they had already been broken.

Looking up, I was face-to-face with Kruel who had the most sinister smirk I had ever seen anyone hold.

One that caused his canines to glisten with blood.

This was fūcking horrifying.... Even for a grown åss man such as myself.

And I was too slow in backing up because the next thing I knew, his clawed hand wrapped around my neck in a deadly grip, pinning up against the wall beside us.


"Do you think we can talk about this?" I tried to get out even though I could barely breathe.

Damn, what should I do?


“No... Too risky. He could take it as a threat and we'd be dead in a second.” I reasoned with Galan, “I need a different approach.”

“Your different approach is fighting her psychotic brother right now.”

That was true.

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