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"Today's the day you all prove your loyalty to the Remnant Wolf's Eye Pack. We're looking for the best of the best. We're looking for warriors, protectors of this land. Our home." Xeus, Christian and I were assessing the guys that tried out in the warrior games.

This was the final stage and for the first time in all my years as alpha, Christian and I wouldn't be accompanying Xeus and the warrior crew. It had been a month since Azazel came to the pack and as alpha, I shouldn't have taken this long to introduce Azazel as my Luna. I was stressed the fück out and even though she hadn't given me any reason to hesitate in asking her to be my Luna, she didn't make being my mate any easier. Just a week ago, a few days after the mate-ball, we got into a huge argument about her being too naïve to go after her brother.

For all she knew, it could be a trap. A trap she couldn't escape. I asked her to consider the harm it would bring to the people who already thought of her as their Luna even without the stupid ceremony. I wasn't too polite about it either but Azazel was an alpha; the Alpha of all Alphas, and listening to an alpha just below her rank was like a freaking taboo to her. We argued so much that Christian, Ashton, and Sapphire came to the house to figure out what got the both of us all riled up.  Neither of us desired to explain to the little audience before us because we were too busy trying to control our wolves. Long story short, I mind-linked Ashton to tell Sapphire to put my mate to sleep which gave me a hard time with Ashton for harming his mate... Again.

I clearly couldn't take my mate down to the cells without getting hurt or hurting her so Sapphire's slight headache was a small price to pay for getting to an agreement with dear old mate.

Just in case you were curious, Azazel had been ignoring me since I let her out of the underground cells. Taking her to the cells was a little extreme, I know, but I had my demons to deal with and they resurfaced when she threatened to leave whether I condoned the idea or not.

She needed to cool off just as much as I did and distancing myself from her helped me a lot. Until she bruised herself so much from trying to escape the cell made of four solid silver walls. She caused one of the walls so much damage that I knew for a fact that she would've gotten herself out sooner or later if I hadn't gone down to check up on her.

"I hope you're all prepared," Xeus carried on with the speech as Christian and I made sure our eyes and ears in the human government understood that no humans were to find themselves in the woods. It was a safety precaution and we didn't want any lives lost, both human and wolf. "When you're out there, you need to have each other's backs. Each and every pack member is family and none of your petty teenage feuds should get in the way. Clear?"

"Clear." They responded in unison.

"I don't want unnecessary kills out there. Attack only when being attacked. We'll face a couple of rogues on our way but as long as you back each other up, everything will be fine." Xeus rarely spoke but when he did, he spoke in nothing but authority. The only time I ever saw him soften up was when he was around Amber, his mate. A really sweet red head. I wonder what the Moon Goddess thought pairing those two up.

'The same thing she thought pairing you and Azazel.' Eren joked.

'So the wolf wakes from his slumber.' I sent back mockingly.

'You seem fairly under control.' I knew he was rolling his eyes, 'You don't need me around.'

'You do understand the bond a person has with their wolf, right?'

'Ours is...  Complicated.'

'So it is.' I actually felt empty without Eren. He kept me entertained and stopped me from making a mess of things. Except when I argued with our mate, of course. He just sat back and watched me let my irrational part get the best of me. Pretty fücked up, Eren.

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