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After saving his ass from his hot-head of a cousin, he dumped me with this Sapphire witch.

No really... She was actually a witch. I just couldn't tell what kind.

"You aren't like the rest of them, are you?"

"Excuse me?" Did my ears just betray me?

"You're more than they are." She continued, her sweet and genuine voice making it hard to get all defensive.

"Mind elaborating more on that?" I picked up a glass and filled it with some tonic, offering it to her.

"Thank you but I'd rather not." She placed a protective arm over her stomach.

Oh... So that's why.

"When are you due?" I asked instead. No point in discussing my personal life with her just because she was a Luna.

"Four months from now." She smiled.

"It must be frightening to carry a potential hybrid." In the supernatural world, we tried as hard as possible to have pure breed offspring but a case like hers, and that of my mother, was overlooked if it was fate.

Did I ever mention that my mother was a white witch?


Well, it doesn't matter anymore.

"Not as much as you think." She started, "I'm actually just hoping my pup doesn't inherit my witch powers."

"There's a good chance... If Ashton's genes are stronger." I attempted to joke.

"I'm hoping they are." She laughed.

Sapphire and I kept the conversation light from there but my mind wouldn't stop drifting off to Kruel. The mind-link he and I shared was just simple communication and without him marking me, I couldn't see nor feel a single thing from him. The one disadvantage of being the alpha of all alphas; I couldn't see through the eyes nor feel the emotions from the werewolves I put a tab on. It never really bothered me before but it definitely did now. I wanted to know if what Ashton had to tell my mate was an issue we had to take care of.

What were he and Ashton up to anyway?

"Why don't we head to the hall? Everyone must've gathered there already." Sapphire suggested and I nodded my head.

"I'm not quite sure where it is though." I admitted as we walked along a path.

"You're joking, right?" She smiled but it fell once she realized that I wasn't. "You're Kruel's mate and you haven't seen the Great Remnant Hall? How?"

"I haven't been here for that long. It's been less than two weeks." Saying it out loud sounded stupid. It had been less than two weeks of knowing Kruel and I was already possessive of him.

"That doesn't matter. That was his to-go-to place every time he wanted to spend time with his childhood girlfriends." I didn't find it as funny as she did. Kruel had past relationships while I distanced myself from the opposite sex?

Just brilliant.

You know what? Back then, I was saving myself for my mate but once I became alpha, I just thought it was pointless and men were a waste of my time. Clearly, Kruel was living his life to the fullest because he knew sooner or later he'd find his mate and even if he didn't... he had a list of women who could take my place as Luna.


"Did Ashton's brother come as well?" I changed the topic quickly. No one enjoyed discussing their mate's sex life.

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