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A/N: Lost all my inspiration to continue the story but I guess I just have to get this over and done with.

[Update 1 of 2 because it's been a long time since the last update.]



The pained screams of a boy woke me up from a sleep that felt like it went on for ages. My consciousness came with a headache I didn't appreciate at all.

I wondered what time it was.

I had lost track of time in this damned cell but I was more than sure I hadn't been here for more than three days. That was just an assumption seeing as things weren't that clear. I couldn't tell day and night apart mostly because this cell was so dark.  I had head injuries, open wounds that blood leaked out from and trickled down my body from my left shoulder blade to my torso, joining the already dried up blood.

Eren was having the toughest time healing me.

I was a sight to see and my captor made sure of it.

"Rise and shine, alpha." The voice I loathed spoke cheerfully from the entrance of the cell I was being held up in. "Ready to begin the day?" He asked once he stood on the other side of the bars.

"Wait, don't tell me." I began mockingly, "You're here to torture me like every other fückîng time your pathetic åss walked through here." I spat.

"Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the cell." He fake pouted and I couldn't fight the urge to roll my eyes. He was too playful for his own good.

"What do you want, Zenith?" I sighed in irritation.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out, brother-in-law."

"Don't call me that." I snapped and he grinned with mischief dancing in his red irises.

Seeing him often made me realize that they were there permanently. The red in his eyes was taken as a normalcy around here yet I couldn't get over the fact that there was definitely a torturous story behind their permanence.

"What? Are you not the man screwing my little sister?" He took a sit on the bench directly opposite from me with his back straight against the wall and his left leg crossed over his right one.

His posture screamed elegance.

"I'm her fückîng soulmate. But what would you know? The Moon Goddess would never gift you with a mate. You have no soul."

"That Moon Goddess bïtch does have her favorites, doesn't she?" He played with a ring on his right middle finger. "If I could, I'd kill her with my own bare hands but as cowardly as she is... she's too frightened to accept the challenge." He muttered quietly.

The similarity in behaviour between him and Azazel was unmistakable. They both despised the Moon Goddess just as much as they hated each other. Zenith seemed more in control of his emotions than Azazel ever was, and it made me upset to know that he was the worst nightmare that taunted her every day of her life.

"Where are the others?" I asked remembering the encounter I had with a bruised up Xeus the day I was brought here.

"They're alive. Serving my master as they once served you." He walked over and placed his hand on one of the silver bars that separated us yet he seemed immune to the burning effect. "And when they complete their task, I will take from you exactly what I want." He whispered dangerously low as his eyes glowed a fiery bright red.

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