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My day with Azazel went pretty well. We took a walk by the stream when we got back to the pack and we just laid on the grass staring up at the darkening sky.

One thing I wanted to try out though was running with my mate in our wolf forms but I knew she didn't like shifting because she could either shift into her dangerous lycan or her normal wolf.

"It isn't like that per say." Azazel mumbled, turning her head to face me.

"It's rude to read people's minds unannounced." I muttered sitting up.

"I don't do it deliberately." She sat up as well, shaking off the grass from her hair. "But to clear everything up for you... I just haven't shifted in so long and the thought of doing so doesn't sit well with me."

"Terrified?" I questioned.

"I'm petrified." She said honestly, "But sometimes I just want to go ahead and do it."

"Then why don't you?"

"I don't want to hurt you." She looked straight ahead, thinking about something I couldn't guess even if I wanted to.

"If that's all you're worried about, then hurt me." I was confident about it until she stared at me like I just grew a second head.

"You're crazy." She quickly got to her feet and shook off the remains of the dry grass. "I'm not doing that."

Rolling my eyes, I got to my feet and dusted myself off as well. "You must know how dangerous it is to not let your wolf out."

"The problem is that I don't just have a wolf. I have a lycan that could rip you to shreds in a heartbeat. I'm not risking your life for the sake of my wolf. She knows the dangers and she agrees with my decision." She began to walk in the direction of the pack house clearly done with the conversation. She was getting pissed over nothing.

Deciding on running after her to try and convince her to just shift without thinking too much about it, I took a couple of steps in her direction when a mind-link came through and my eyes clouded over.

'Alpha, a problem occurred with the Gamma Female. We need you at the pack house.'

'What happened to her?' I inquired, unnerved by the information.

'I think it's best you come see for yourself.'

"Kruel?" Azazel asked worriedly as the mind-link fog disappeared. "What wrong?"

I didn't respond as I took a few running steps and shifted, sprinting to the pack house on all fours. I didn't wait for my mate but I knew she was somewhere behind me.

She was capable of defending herself if anything happened but I didn't think the same for my pack.

I shifted back into my human form quickly as I saw one of the patrol guards. He handed me a pair of shorts and a shirt.

"Alpha, Gamma Female Amber tried running out of pack territory like a mad woman and when we caught her, she wouldn't stop yelling for Gamma Xeus." He informed.

"Take me to her." I ordered and he led me to the Vault.

Amber's ankle was chained to the ground in a silver cuff. Her red hair was in a wild mess and her eyes wouldn't stop shifting between olive green and forest green.

"I'm sorry for chaining her up but she wouldn't stop fighting us." The guard lowered his head in submission.

"It's alright, Carter. I'll handle it from here." I dismissed him and waited for him to leave before opening the cell doors and making a move towards Amber who snarled at me like I was her enemy.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Calm down." I stated raising both my hands up for her to see I didn't wield a single weapon. "What happened?"

Shutting her eyes close, she looked away from me as her canines sank back in. When she seemed controlled enough, she looked up at me with glossy olive green eyes.

"I can't feel him anymore." She cried out. "I can't feel my mate."

"What do you mean?" I took another step forward and stood right in front of her.

"I can't feel Xeus through the mate bond. When I came last night, I thought I just missed him but no. He was literally slipping away from me." She didn't stop crying. "I can't communicate with him, I can't feel what he's feeling, I can't feel a damn thing Kruel." She growled the last part as her eyes started to shift again.

"Take it easy. We don't want to hurt the little guy." I stated, referring to the pup she was expecting.

"Something's wrong, Kruel. We need to find him before the mate bond snaps and I lose him forever." Her desperation broke my heart. I didn't know what to say to her. Xeus was somewhere out there and that's why she didn't lost her head yet but I was worried about what would happen to her if I didn't find him in time.

"I can't let you go. Not just yet." I told her. "You'll remain here until I give the order to let you out. Understood?"

"Yes alpha." She lowered her head submissively as she silently cried.

"I'll bring him back but I can't risk losing you out there. You're family and family comes first." She nodded in understanding as I made my way out of the Vault and gave Carter orders of not letting her out just yet. "Just bring her necessities for the time being."

I was about to head to the training field to gather a few wolves to help me go on a search for Xeus and the rest when I heard an ear splitting scream in the distance, beyond the woods.

I hurried to my house as soon as someone sent me a mind-link, informing that that's where the scream came from.

They couldn't quite understand what was happening but they knew something happened... or was happening to Azazel.

When I stood in the clearing, I was confused.

My wolves were fighting each other. Like literally trying to tear each other apart.

'Why are they fighting each other?' I asked Eren, frantically looking around for Azazel.

'She's in pain. We need to find her.' Was his response but there was something about his tone that worried me.

'I can't see her.' I looked around again, not seeing her but sure as hell she was nearby.

'She's in pain. We need to hurry.' He growled out.

Pain? How did she get hurt?

She seemed fine a few minutes ago when we were together. But judging by the fight...

I hope she didn't get in the middle of it all.

An angry growl reminded me that I needed to stop my warriors from fighting before they killed each other.

'What you need to do is find our mate!!' Eren growled as he fought me for control until I gave in and decided that Azazel was our number one priority.

Another painful scream shook me right out of my thoughts. It was coming from the house.

I rushed inside and headed straight for Azazel's room where I found her laying on the floor, writhing in pain. I took a step forward and a scent so sweet, so enticing wafted my sense of smell and the realization of what it was hit me like a brick.

I looked outside the window and noticed that the moon was high up in the sky, illuminating a bright silvery light over the earth and into Azazel's room. That wasn't what grabbed my attention though. It was the fact that it was a fücking full moon.

Which meant...

My mate was going through her heat.

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