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Two weeks had gone by and Zenith was getting ready to put his little sister down once and for all.

If there was any other way for all of the chaos to end in anything but bloodshed, he would've preferred it to having to kill his last living family.

Azazel was a thorn in the ass. She always was and he hated himself for caring about her every damn time their father would find new ways to inflict pain on her. She never even knew that he would sometimes beg their father to pardon her and punish him instead.

Daemon being a complete sadist multiplied his punishments for showing weakness.

And Zenith began to change.

With every new scar came a horrendous story. And with it, came a never-ending cycle of emotional damage.

He was only but a boy and his father tortured the childhood right out of him.

Slowly, he started to believe that love was a weakness that blew up in one's face, one way or another.

“Love is for the weak, Zenith. Do you hear me?!!” His father yelled as the whip coated with silver collided with his back.

He had lost count after the twenty-third slash.

He didn't even know how long he was in the underground cells. He didn't really care either.

“That girl you continuously get punished for will be the end of you and that would be a pathetic way to go.” He raised the whip again and Zenith still didn't make a sound after the whip made contact with his flesh, furthering his father's anger.

What was the point in making even the slightest noise? He'd still get whipped for it and it would anger his father even more.

In his state of pain, all he could think about was his mother who had died due to an illness that he had suspected was a curse.

Why would she leave him with a monster for a father?

Why didn't his father love him?

Why couldn't his father just end it all so that he could finally be with his mother?

“She was named Desdemona for a reason, son. And as future alpha, you need to send the demon child back to the pits of hell.”

Shutting his eyes briefly to fade the unforgivable memories away, he took a deep breath before releasing it slowly to calm himself.

Love is a weakness.

He kept reminding and promising himself that he wouldn't succumb to it ever again.

But even as time went by, he could feel numerous emotions all at once and he had a certain emerald eyed witch to thank for that.

Ever since he met Camellia, he knew he was attracted to her in more ways than one yet he wouldn't allow himself to build more than a mutual alliance between them.

It was business and he couldn't let his feelings for her get in the way of everything they did together so far.

Camellia was the one who made him see what real damage his sister would continue to bring in the world if she wasn't stopped.

She showed him the kind of monster his little sister had become and he believed that the right thing to do was to end her.

In hopes that she'd want to be free from her own darkness.

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