DISCLAIMER: Please don't take this book seriously it's for laughs and giggles even though it gets....pretty depressing, honestly I wasn't thinking I just let my fingers do the work so yeah....don't take it seriously 😭✋🏾
3rd person's Pov:
Stella Lynn is a 17 year old that was born December 21st, 1997 and she had a rough child hood growing up. Even today life is still hard for her. When she was a little girl her sweet and loving father passes away and her mom, who was very cruel and evil towards her, married a man, who was just as bad as her and that meant him and his son, the spawn of Satan himself, would move in. They all treated her poorly and paid no attention to her what so ever. Whenever her step-brother's birthday came around her mom and her stepdad bought him nice things and was very kind to him and he was their main focus. However, when Stella's birthday would come around they never gave her anything and they were just down right mean to her. Her step-brother would sometimes take advantage of her without her consent and her parents never knew of his sick actions but everytime she tried to tell them they blew her off. She ended up getting pregnant at 10 and losing the baby. At school, she was always tormented and bullied by everyone, even the teacher had a sour attitude towards her. She felt completely alone, so one night she locked herself in her bathroom and tried to take her life by overdosing on strong pain meds. When death nearly had her in the palm of his sickly hand, her next door neighbor, Lisa, a woman who was like a mother to Stella and loved her as if she were her own daughter, burst through the bathroom door and rushed Stella to the hospital, deviated. As Stella was put into surgery, Lisa told the doctors the story of how she found Stella. She explained that she went to Stella's home to ask if she could barrow some sugar since her household had run out. She saw that there weren't any cars parked in the driveway so she assumed no one was home but when she turned the knob the front door was unlocked. She was about to close the door and go home, she heard tumbling coming from upstairs so she jogged upstairs and heard faint breathing coming from the bathroom and that's when she found Stella passed out on the floor and an empty pill bottle lay next to her. One of the doctors tried to call Stella's parents but they wouldn't answer so they called the police and when the police arrived her parents decided to show as well. The doctors told Stella's parents and the police about Lisa's story. Stella's mom, step-brother, and step-father her put on pathetic act, crocadile tears and all, as if they cared about her or what happened to her, but they only did this because the police officers began to question them on why Stella did what she did to herself and if they've seen any sadness or discomfort from her and they claimed that they had seen no sign of neither one of them and they said that she had a lot of friends and that she was always treated well at home, which she wasn't. They knew that if the actions that took place behind closed doors floated the the surface, all of them would be put in jail and the brother might have gone to Juvie. The police ended up believing them and their filthy lies and left them alone. After a few weeks Stella was released from the hospital but she didn't want to leave the hospital because she'd have to go back home or as she likes to call it "Hell". When she arrived home her parents kicked her out, forcing her to live on the streets with nothing but hamydown clothes on her back.Stella's Pov:
I stared hopelessly at the ground as people continue to walk past me without even acknowledging that I was there. Pretty soon it got dark and people were starting to head home so I figured I would find a nice park bench to sleep on or a nice tall tree and sleep on one of the branches which I've never done before but hey, there's a first time for everything. Just then I felt a presence in front of me but I didn't bother to look up at them.???- Are you ok?
Their voice was deep and the strong smell of cologne slapped me square in my face. I looked up and saw a boy with brown eyes and short wavy brown hair and he was very attractive, I'd be lying if I said I didn't blush a little.
Stella- Y..Yeah I'm fine.
Just then a small group of boys came towards us and all of them, the attractive guy with brown hair an brown eyes included, started making fun of me for being homeless and for they way I looked.
Attractive guy with brown hair: What a waste! Do the world a favor and just disappear.
I stood up and they took a step back. I looked at the attractive guy who wasn't so attractive anymore. If anything he was a disgusting prick who had a dark soul. I walked towards him a little.
Stella: Sure
After that I walked away and headed to a place that I should've went to a long time ago, luckly this place was here in LA,Suicide Bridge. This time, no one will get in my way.
Jake's Pov:
I wasn't planning on leaving the house today because my life is shitty as hell at the moment and I don't want to hang out with anyone, but Colby convinced me, by convinced I mean he bribed me with Taco Bell. We were going to Suicide Bridge to call scary numbers for his channel. (Yes I know that video was Colby and Brennen calling creepy numbers but I changed it because of the story plot)Colby: Cmon Jakey!
Jake: Ok Colby!
I chuckled a little and grabbed my phone and ran out of my room running down the stairs meeting Colby by the front door.
Colby: About time, you take longer than the girls when it comes to getting ready.
Kat and Devyn rolled their eyes causing Colby and I to chuckle.
Colby: We'll see you guys later.
Just then, Sam came down stairs and he walked over to Colby and placed a kiss on his lips as he wrapped his arms around his neck. Colby kissed back wrapping his arms around Sam's small waist, smiling into the kiss. I was beginning to feel verrry uncomfy.
Jake:Oh jeez, get a room will ya?
They both giggled and pulled away.
Sam: I love you be careful.
Colby: I love you too babes and I will, promise.
He gave Sam a quick kiss and Sam walked back over to Kat and Devyn and sat down with them, making small talk. I could see that Kat had a sad expression on her face but she replaced with a smile and engaged in their conversation. Kat and Sam had broken up a year back and one thing led to another Colby had caught feelings for Sam and Sam caught feelings for Colby, he even admitted that thr reason he broke up with Kat was because he caught feelings for someone else, that someone else happened to be Colby. Kat didn't let it show around them because she saw they were happy, but she was heart broken. Then talked to her about it and Sam apologized to her and she said it was fine and that she was happy for them, which she was but I can tell she's not over it and to be honest I feel bad for her. Colby and I left out of the house and got into Colby's car and headed to Suicide Bridge.
Time skip
We sat at a spot on the bridge and Colby set up the camera and started to do his intro and we started calling some creepy numbers, which I don't recommend you call. At one point during the video we thought a coyote was running towards us scaring the shit out of us so we moved to another spot and that's when I saw someone. From a distance they looked like a guy and they were awfully close to the edge. Oh my God no are they gonna jump?!
Jake: Colby stay here, end the video we'll finish another time. Don't ask questions just please stay here.
Before he could answer, I ran towards the person on the edge of the bridge and hoped to God that I could reach them before....Oh no.
A/n: Solby is a thing in this book if you couldn’t tell already, and no I don't ship Sam and Colby irl this book is just for fun

He saved me // Jake Webber ✓ [Completed]
FanfictionI wrote this when I was like what 15? I KNOW ITS CRINGY LEAVE ME ALONE😭 -was ranked #9 in Jake webber - I apologize in advance this is only my second story and once again I just went with the flow in my mind I'll go back and edit and add some thing...