Chapter 51

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-Next day-
Stella's Pov:
I woke up feeling really sore and I looked down and saw my baby snuggled into my chest sleeping peacefully and I looked over at Jake and he had his head in my neck cuddling Zac and I. I smiled and kissed both their heads.
Stella- My boys.
After a few minutes Jake woke up.
Stella-Morning my love.
Jake- Goodmorning sunshine.
He gave me his adorable dimpled smile and kissed my lips gently and I did the same to him smiling into into it. The kiss went on for awhile but it ended once nurse came in the room.
Nurse- Sorry to interupt but I just came to let you know you leave whenever you'd like.
Jake- Okay thank you.
-Time skip, they arrived home-
Jake got out of the car and wrnt around and opened the backseat door and got the baby seat with Zac inside, and opened my door helping me out. In one hand he held mine, in the other he held the baby seat. We walked up to the door and I opened it walking in and all the lights were off. Confused,  we went inside to the kitchen and when I turned on the lights everyone jumped out yelling "WELCOME HOME".
I jumped myself and held my chest as my heart pounded a bit.
Stella-Hey guys, you nearly gave me a heart attack but this is so sweet of ya'll.
Devyn- This was my idea im sorry
Stella- No need to be sorry, Iove it.
We all went into the living and everyone got a chance to hold Zac and they were just loving him they didn't seem like they wanted to let him go either.
-A few months later-
Stella- K-Kat I don't think I can do this.
My heart was pounding in my chest as I paced back and forth feeling a bit sick in my stomach.
Kat- El look at me.
I looked at her as she stood in front of me and placed her hands on my arms.
Kat- You love Jake don't you?
Stella- Yes I love Jake, I love him so much that it hurts.
Kat- And he loves you too, you two are made for each other I know it, they way you guys look at each other is everything. Today is a special day for you two and it will end with you two offically married, bonded togther as one, and I am so happy for you.
I felt the tears coming but I stopped them not wanting to mess up my make up.
Stella- Thank you so much Kat, I feel a lot better but still a bit nervous.
Kat- That's normal, its okay just go out there and don't think about it too much just keep your eyes on Jake.
Stella- I will, I appreciatte Jake's dad walking me down the isle. My dad always said he hoped to do that with me one day...
Kat- He's watching you from above and I bet he has the biggest smile on his face and he's so proud of you, just looj at how far you've come since everything happened.
I smiled and huged her tightly and she did the same. I'm so lucky to have her as a friend she's always there for me no matter what, all of them are.
Kat- You ready?
Stella- How do I look?
Kat- You look amazing.
I took a deep breath and turned towards the door.
Stella- I'm ready.

He saved me // Jake Webber ✓ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now