Chapter 24

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I was sleeping dreaming about catching Santa Clause break into our house and stealing our milk and cookies we'll that is until.....
I jumped up as a blow horn went off in my ear and then I felll to the floor and heard a lot of ringing in my right ear.
Stella- Ugh why?
Just then Sam ran in and jumped on me.
Sam- It's CWISTMAS! (Christmas)
Stella- *laughs* Yes it is.
Sam- Cmon evey (every) one else down stairs.
Jake ran downstairs and Sam held my hand and pulled me downstairs so quickly I almost tripped.
We made it to the living room and everyone was eating breakfast.
Kat- Merry Christmas sleepy head eat some breakfast then we'll open presents, Santa Clause came again last night *exaggerated wink*
I was confused but I just nodded and laughed. I ate some breakfast then we all gathered in the living room and sat down around the tree. Colby handed Sam a semi big present.
Sam tried to shake the box but Colby warned him not to and he listen and just opened the present and when he finally did a pit bull puppy jumped onto him and licked his face.
Sam- *giggles* It's a puppy! Thanks daddy! *giggles*
Colby- You're welcome Sammy.
Everyone passed around gifts and I gave everyone gifts they were small yet meaningful and the presents I got them fit them perfectly and they loved them. I gave Kat some cute makeup and cute outfits, I gave Sam a really cute unicorn onesie and some stuffed animals, I gave Corey a picture of a squirrel which he named Gary and I gave him a Rolex watch, I gave Devyn cute makeup and accessories and cute outfits, and I gave Colby a classic music player with albums of his favorite bands. They all thanked me and they all sat around Jake I waiting to see what we got each other.
Jake handed me a gift back that was semi small and I handed him a gift bag that was semi small.
We we took our gifts out the bag at the same time.
From my bag I pulled out a rectangle box and inside was a beautiful necklace that had half of a heart and it said his and I looked over at him and noticed he had a half and it said hers and it was absolutely adorable. I also pulled out some cute earrings and more fun rings.
Stella- Thank you so much, I love them *hugs him*
Jake- *hugs back and chuckles* anything for you.
Stella- Open your gift.
He opened the bag and pulled out another E.T doll I got him that since he lost his old one and he pulled out a box and inside was a locket.
Stella- Open the locket.
He opened it and smiled widely, it was a picture of us on my birthday which is the day we got together.
Jake- I love it so much, thank you.
He hugged me and the others cooed at us. Then we looked up and saw that Sam was holding mistletoe above our head and giggling.
We laughed at him and looked into each other's eyes. He lifted my chin and leaned in connected our lips.
Everyone: *cheers* whoooo!
He giggled into the kiss and we all got together and had some Christmas fun with games and later that day they all shared Christmas dinner.

Merry Christmas everyone I hope everyone has an amazing Day! Love ya, peace ✌️ ❤️

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