Colby's POV:
Today is my birthday and I am 23 years old but still look like a fucking 12 year old hahah.
Anyway my roommates kicked me out the house and I am currently with Sam.
Stella's POV:
So we kicked Colby out of the house and Sam went with him. So after the baby surprise yesterday the girls and I called up all our friends and told them to come over for the surprise party we're throwing Colby and they're all coming, and we tried to fly his parents out here but unfortunately they had to work so they couldn't come sadly but everything else is taken care of.
Kat- Okay girls it's time to decorate this house.
Devyn & Stella- Yes ma'am! *salutes*
We all laughed and started decorating while the guys went out and bought the party favors and food and that other fun stuff.
Colby's POV:
Sam- Where to first birthday boy?
Colby- The mall.
Sam- To the mall we go *starts the car and drives to the mall*
I decided to turn on the radio and No Idea by Don Toliver came on so I started singing the lyrics.
Colby- First things first let me get that introduction, We on a long road to self-destruction
You were so in love you weren't gon' tell me nothin, Let me get this clear cause I had no idea.
Sam- *Starts bopping his to the music*
After a few minutes of jamming out to music Sam parked his car in the mall's parking lot.
We got out of the car and walked into the mall hand in hand and I went into to Hot Topic while Sam went to look somewhere else, where I don't know. I picked out like 15 things from there and just in time Sam came back with a small gift bag.
Colby- What's it the bag?
Sam- A surprise.
Colby- Oooh I like surprises, what is it?
Sam- *chuckles and pays for Colby's items* If I tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise.
Colby- At least give me a hint.
Sam- *gives Colby the bags with his items in it and kisses his cheek* Nope.
I groaned as he walked outside to the car. I wanna know what it is!
I went out to the car and put my bags in the trunk and I closed it and sat in the passenger seat putting on my seat belt and he drove away.
-Back at the house-
Stella's POV:
Everything for the party is almost ready all we need now is the guests and the cake and the food and beverages which the guys still didn't come back with yet and it's giving me anxiety.
I got out my phone and texted the guys and two of our friends on a separate group chat.
Group chat: Surprise Party
(S=Stella, C=Corey, J=Jake, M=Mike, G=Griffin)
S-Where are you guys, Sam and Colby will be here in a few hours and we need everything to be perfect.
C-We're on our way, the traffic is backed up pretty far.
M-We'll be there before they get there don't worry.
G-It's starting to move a bit, don't worry everything will be fine.
J-Relax babe, we don't need you stressed out that could be bad for you.
S-I know I'm just a bit anxious.
J-We'll be there I promise, I love you.
S-I love you more.
J-No I love you more.
S-No I love YOU more.
G-Omg shut up already 🤦🏾♀️
I giggled and put my phone away doing my best to calm down.
Sam's POV:
I drove us to Knotts Berry Farm and parked in the parking lot. We got out of the car and we went inside.
Sam- What you wanna do first?
Colby- Timber Mountain.
Sam- Let's go.
We walked over to the line which wasn't that long so after a few minutes it was our turn. We got on the ride and strapped ourselves in.
Sam- I'm kinda scared.
Colby- Don't be, I'm right here
I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
I was calm for the most part but that all ended once the ride started.
-Time skip-
Sam- That wasn't so bad, it was actually really fun.
Colby- Says the only one that was screaming.
Sam- I totally wasn't, those were happy cheers if anything u sounded like you were being murdered with all that screaming you were doing.
Colby- Hahhhhha so funny.
We got on a few more terrifying rides and we decided that we wanted to live so we decided to get on the Ferris wheel. At the very top the sky looked amazing. The pink, purple, and orange blended together perfectly. I looked over and saw Colby admiring the sky's beautiful color and the sun setting made it even better.
Colby- This is becoming one of the best birthdays ever.
Sam- I'm glad. *takes a small box out of his pocket and opens it putting a ring on his ring finger*
He smiled widely and turned my face towards him and kissed my lips and then out of nowhere fireworks started going off mixtures of so many colors. We pulled away chuckling as we looked at them.
Colby- Talk about perfect timing.
Sam- Yeah *laughs*
Colby- I love you Sam.
Sam- I love you too Colby.
We kissed once again but we stopped before it could go any further and we just enjoyed the moment together.
Stella's POV:
Its been way too long Sam and Colby will be back any minute, where are they?
Kat- They'll be here.
I go to get on my phone and text them and right then and there the door opened revealing the guys with all the food and all the guests.
Stella- Oh thank god.
They set everything up in the kitchen and Jake came in and kissed my lips.
Jake- See I told you not to worry.
Stella- Yeah, you did.
Jake- When is Sam and Colby coming?
Stella- Any minute now.
After a few minutes I saw them pull up in the drive way.
Stella- Okay they're here everyone hide.
I turned off the lights and everyone hid.
Colby- Woah why is it dark?
Sam- Turn the lights on genius.
As soon as he turned on the lights we all jumped out and yelled "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLBY!"
Colby- *surprised asf* WOW!
Stella- Happy Birthday e-boy.
Colby- Thanks El, did you plan all this?
Stella- Yeah, but I had some help.
Devyn, Kat, Corey, Jake, Mike, and Griffin came over.
Colby- This is amazing you guys didn't have to do this.
Stella- We wanted too, you deserve it.
We group hugged and we brought all the guests into the kitchen and Sam held the cake in front of Colby on one knee as we sang Happy Birthday to him.
Sam- Blow it out, Blow it ouuuut!
Colby chuckled and blew out the candles and we all cheered and covered the cake while we partied hard all night, and in the middle Sam and Colby disappeared for awhile but there was no doubt that Colby had an amazing birthday.

He saved me // Jake Webber ✓ [Completed]
FanfictionI wrote this when I was like what 15? I KNOW ITS CRINGY LEAVE ME ALONE😭 -was ranked #9 in Jake webber - I apologize in advance this is only my second story and once again I just went with the flow in my mind I'll go back and edit and add some thing...