Chapter 49

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Stella's Pov:
Every word they were saying about me was a fucking lie and I wanted nothing more than to go in there and give them a piece of my mind but I had to remain calm and that's what I intended to do....until that bitch opened up her mouth again.
Mom- They have chemistry of course that slut would develop feelings for him.
That did it. I gave the recorder to Corey and I walked out to them. My jaw and my fists were clenched, my blood was boiling, and I'm pretty sure I was hella red.
Mom- Hi sweetie how are yo-
I cutt that bitch off.
Stella- Don't you dare "Hi sweetie" me you sick bitch. I never wore procative clothes around him and I never flirted with him either, and there is NO WAY IN HELL that I would develop feeling for that disgusting pig.
Mom- You are a lying slut, you actually came to these people with pitiful lies.
I felt the tears, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest, I was fuming.
Stella- I never did anything except do what was asked of me and I NEVER asked you for anything and I sure as hell never broke a rule given to me. And yet you still chose to treat me the way you did. Why?
They room was silent. My mom and step-dad exchanged looks but didn't say a word nor did they look in my direction.
Stella- Why?! TELL ME WHY!
Hot tears were falling down my cheeks and I felt that if I didn't sit down I'd collapse.
Jake somehow knew and stood up ans came over to me and held me in his arms protectively.
Jake- Get out.
My mom and my step-dad stood up and walked to the door and stopped in their tracks.
Mom- Wanna know why we treated you that way?
Stella- Yes I do!
Mom- Because you were both an accident and a miracle.
Stella- What the fuck are you talking about?
Mom- I was told I couldn't have kids, so when I found out I was pregnant I was very happy but also terrified. Once you were born I was paranoid and over protective. Then as ylu got older I freaked out. I treated you so terribly because I was afraid of becoming my mother, and I became much worst than her. And I can't take it back. Im sorry and I dont expect you to forgive me, but I hope you will someday.
I didn't say anything, I just held onto to Jake with my head buried in his neck, I held onto as if my life depended on it and it did. My mom and step dad left without another word and I immediately broke down.
Jake rubbed my back whispering things like "its gonna be okay" and "im here your okay now" into my ear and pretty soon the others came out and comforted me to the best of their ability and it worked after awhile.
Jake- Colby take the tape to the police we have our evidence.
Colby- Okay should I take the letter too?
Jake- Yes and the note.
Sam- I'm coming with you.
Colby nodded and with the recorder and letter in hand Colby left out of the house, Sam following behind him.
Jake took me up to our room and we both laid down and cuddled.
Jake- How do you feel?
Stella- Like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders but I'm angry at the fact that they treated me that way all because she was scared. Even if she was scared treating me that way was unessary and I don't think I'll forgive her or him anytime soon.
Jake- That's understandable, but if you want to be able to move on from this you'll have to forgive them sooner or later.
Stella- Yes I know...
Jake- Get some sleep, it's been a long day.
Stella- Agreed.
I laid my head on his chest and slowly dozed off and fell into a deep sleep.

He saved me // Jake Webber ✓ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now