Chapter 12

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Stella's POV:
The room Brennen had us in was filled with Sam and I's screams as he tortured us with whips, tazers, and more. When he finished torturing us he tied us to chairs and our backs were facing each other so I couldn't see Sam's terrified face, which was probably for the best because I can't stand seeing him scared or hurt.
Brennen- Sammy why don't we give your daddy a call hmm?
Sam- I-I want to go home to him!
My heart aches as Sam cried and to make matters worst he was in his little space, which meant he was terrified, he only goes into his little space when he's upset, afraid, and vulnerable and he's upset and afraid.
Brennen ignored him and FaceTimed someone, didn't know who it was at first until I heard their voice, it was Colby.
Colby- Hey Brennen.
Brennen- Hey Colby I was just calling cuz, well I have a present for you.
He flipped the camera towards us letting us see Colby on the FaceTime call.
We screamed for help but it was muffled since we had duct tape over our mouths.
Colby- SAMMMM! STELLA! Brennen why the fuck are you doing this?!
Brennen- This is revenge for you choosing him over me, and I just enjoy putting this useless bitch over here in pain.
He walked over to me and yanked my hair hella hard causing me to scream out in pain.
Then he appeared in the camera.
Jake- Brennen stop! Let them go they didn't do anything wrong!
Brennen- Oh hey Jakey, oh don't tell me you actually care about this useless bitch.
Jake looked at me with mixed emotions love, anger, fear.
Jake- I-I-
Brennen- Oh my god, you're in love with her aren't you? Oh this just keeps getting better and better!
Brennen walked walked over to me and yanked my hair much more harder than the first time causing me to scream in pain as tears fell from my eyes.
Brennen- You know I just might, but first I want to play a game.
Jake-What kind of game?!
Brennen- Over the next 120 hours, that's 5 days, I'm gonna give you guys tasks, complete them all you get your prize, disobey me and they'll suffer the consequences. Take a good look at their faces, because it'll only get worst if you try telling the cops, or tell the others, and I'll know if you do or not, I have eyes everywhere watching your every move. Until tomorrow brothers.
He grabbed a taser and walked over to Sam and I tasing us both with high voltage earning bloodcurdling screams from us as our bodies shook and before the guys could say anything Brennen ended the call. He tased us for a few more minutes until he stopped. I started to say something and Brennen took my duct tape off.
Stella- OW! Brennen please, I'm begging you let Sam go back with Colby, you want me right? Let him go and I'll be with you, I'll do anything you want I-I promise.
He evilly grin and walked over to me and lifted my chin.
Brennen- I'll let him go once they complete their tasks, but you will stay, and you will keep your promise and you won't be able to see any of them ever again and if you ever cross me they all die.
Stella- I do whatever it takes to keep them safe, even if it means being with you.
Brennen- Oh I know you will.
He leaned in to kiss me and he closed his eyes connected his lips with mine and I kissed back because I knew that if I didn't he would get mad. I hated this, I miss Jake and his soft plum lips, I could kiss him all day and his kisses always sent a shock up my spine as if we we're electrical. I always felt a spark when I'm with him, I feel so much love with him, something I could never feel with anyone else. He's my one and only, my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my everything and I don't know how I'll live without him but this is a sacrifice I'm willing to make if it means him and the others get to be happy and safe.
Brennen- Let's go have some fun.*smirks*
He untied me and threw me over his shoulder.
Stella- It'll be ok Sammy I promise. LET GO OF ME!
I kicked and punched him in his back as much as I could but that didn't seem to affect him. I bit his neck so hard that I drew blood like I was a vampire or something. He screamed in pain and dropped to his knees. I got off of him and kicked him in the ribs hella hard and I ran over to Sam and I started to untie the rope on his feet and I took the duct tape off of his mouth.
I jerked my head around and Brennen punched me in my face knocking me out cold.

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