Part 1 The Actress

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Part 1 the actress

She's running for miles now at that Northern Hill terrain, as said by her pedometer. It is needed to clear her mind of things and also for her body.

Every year, it's getting harder for her to lose weight. Every year, she lessened the type of food she eats. It's been a decade since she took out in her diet those crunchy chicken skin and now she needs to forgo another one.

She halted for a while and breathe in. She came from a two day non stop taping but she still run because of continuous write ups about her increasing weight.

Advertisement contracts were not as often as it used to. A lot didn't renewed her, her career end is coming and she's not even ready for that

"They took in the new 'it' girl for the ad. They said it's time for them to take in younger face as they unveiled the new face of their product," she remembered her manager explaining that news when she asked about that product she's been endorsing for so long. Eversince her teen years. It surprised her when an ad for that product surged in the television with a new face

There's a movie that they've been talking about with a director for two years now then she suddenly pulled out of it because they want a younger woman for that part. They were talking about a role of a professional woman at the height of their career and yet they took in a twenty year old! That's not even out of the college yet! What pissed her off was that she also pitched in to that story and now they dropped her!

Then there's a talk that she's sliding down the sexiest list fast. From taking in it first at eighteen then at nineteen, she was gone to two down to four but took in again the top at twenty five and now she's not even at the top ten! She knew she still has it. She still got that body that every woman has been raving to have. She's tall for an average Johnson woman being at 5'-6" the average is in 5'-5", neither looks like an average Johnson woman of blonde and white courtesy of the many years of that place as American province. She's still got the curves and young by normal standard

She's Chinese looking of almond eyes that she often adorn to look like cat's eye. Then those silky and shiny black hair that helped her in taking home a lot of hair product endorsement. A black lens too that complete it all. She had that smooth clear skin and no freckles that scored her skin related product endorsement. From lotions, serums, to various types of make ups name it, she endorsed it. Various women necessities was also part of the deals like high end dresses to bikinis to perfumes. Even sanitary pads! Gadgets, fast food chains, cars and even that colored pen! It's not ages ago that she headlined fashion shows and magazines spreads.

She hated then when there's a need of fashion shoot that requires her to show a lot of skin. Not because she's conservative, no, she's proud of her work in her body and the industry respected her limitations. It's just that, a two week notice means too much gym works and too much of self restraint in eating. There were times that she cried because she's hungry but she still needs to do it anyways for the love of her career

And now that career is waving off at her. Her shine keeps getting dimmer as she said hello to her thirties. Only at thirties yet they keeps on giving her a lot of mature roles. As in mature, as in mother roles! She doesn't even know how it feels to be a mother, not even know if she really wants to be a mother in real life!

Her phone that's been hanging on her right arm suddenly rung. The I.D. tells it's Lola, her manager so she answered fast and she's hoping that her long time manager brings good news

"Hello Patty, where are you? I thought you're frame wrapped up at three in the morning?" Lola asked on the other line

"Sorry Lola I'm just taking a little run. Why? I thought I'm free for the rest of the day?" she asked between those heavy breaths

"Something came up. A confidential project. They said they need to talk to you personally, " her manager replied sounding very hopeful

Oh shoot. This should not be another dirty old man trying to buy her for one night or an R-rated movie offer that she will never ever accept. She maybe an almost fallen star but she will never stoop down in that level, no matter how much they offer nor give up her wholesome character

"It's not another old business man who wants to buy me discreetly?" she asked after a long exhale

Lola laughed on her husky woman's tone, "Sweetheart, I will never let you do that"

"Send me the details. I'll let you know if it's okay with me, " she answered after some thought

"Patty, uhm the car is ready for you at your shoot. I told them you're finish so they sent it already," Lola said and she knew the old manager bit her lips after that statement.

She gasped, "Car? Lola! You think I'm going with someone I don't know? What if they do something.... unacceptable to me?"

"Don't worry, they are safe"

"Who's they?" she asked in pitchy tone because of nervousness

"You're going to talk with Gabriel White. I think you have heard of him. Congressman of Sanders City? The guy is young to be a dirty old man," Lola laughed. "And you think he'll risk his hands on you being so public figure he is?"

She sniggered, "Lola, you know some of them grope right?"

"Nah, I don't think Gabriel White will do that. He's too..." she heard Lola cut to think about it. "Up tight?"

"Lola, if something happens to me..."

"Nothing will happen to you, I'll make sure of it. He just wanted to talk," her manager cut her

She ended up going back from where she started earlier than expected to find a black sedan parked nearby their shooting location. A guy who's standing beside it quickly opened it for her to hop in. She stared to the guy with shades first but the guy just smiled and tilted his head towards it. She sighed and get in the car anways.

The car took her back to the Sanders City as she tried to towel down all those sweat from her jog to be presentable. Sanders is one of the main city at the Johnson Republic capital. The city is just beside the Northern Hills and it is where all the major film production outfits and big television networks located making it the star capital of their country. The vast land of the Northern hills on the other hand is where some of the rich and famous lives. You didn't make it if you didn't have a house in any of the subdivision in that hilly place

She saw the guy the moment she entered that fine dining restaurant. The place still close for the customers since it's still at seven a.m. that's why she's surprised that the meeting place was there

The guy stand immediately to greet her. "Ms. Patricia James, nice meeting you personally, " he greeted seriously and offered his hand for her to shake. He was a young guy of early thirties she assumed and has that normal blonde hair. His hair is straight and managed to part on his right cleanly probably by wax

"Mr. Gabriel White. Good morning," she also greeted and took the hand. But she suddenly felt underdressed with those nicely pressed suit he's in

"What can I get you?" he asked her as he took that hand easily

She shrugged, "None actually, let's cut the chase. Why did you call this meeting Mr. White? At this early?"

His lips curled, "I have a preposition for you Ms. James"


This is my fourth book here in Wattpad. I hope you'll enjoy this as well as my first three ones. All books are connected since most of the characters will be here too yet you can read it as stand alone.

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