Part 6 the boss

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"Italian architecture, tsk, very very nice ancestral house," an architect commented to her. She almost jumped at that, she's startled. She let that architect roamed on her house for what they he said "building inspection" but her mind was roaming somewhere else.

It's been two weeks since that 'contract signing' with Gab White and yet she's not finding any way to talk to her old friend. Gab seems losing patience because at first, it was only his campaign manager who's been asking about 'whatever it is my boss wants you to do' and after a week it's Gab who's asking her directly in all that scary tone through phone

Those numbers she knew to contact Christine Thomas were not used anymore, even that landline at their manor. Seriously? That's how far that old friend of her will do to avoid her? She tried researching about Tin but it only take her to the news about her marriage to that manufacturing playboy. Without pictures! Then there's this social account made just recently of various designed buildings with Linton and Associates on it. It seems that Christine Thomas made her dream come true to be an architect. That's Tin's planning to be since they were young. The profile disabled a messaging and commenting from non friend and Patty was so embarassed to make a first move by inviting her as a friend. She's sure the woman will never accept that

Then she tried private messaging the wonder chef on his social media account as desperate action but she was just seen zoned. Patricia James was just seen zoned, damn!

She exhaled to withdraw unnecessary thought that moment and looked into her place. Her house is one of the first one built in Northern Hills. Some of its parts need maintenance as it showed crackings and other needs for paint jobs. She thought of getting Linton's to have a reason to connect with Tin but they said their star architect was out of the country so instead of waiting for another week, the main owner of the design house came to visit her. It's a pricey company being known already that she didn't want to take in seriously at first. But when the architect realized which house was she referring too, he expressed interest and visited for free. Apparently, the old house already got his eyes ever since and gave her a free estimate just for roaming around

"How old is your house Ms. James?" the architect asked her grinning.

"One hundred twenty years Arch. Linton," she answered

"Oh, restoration is not the only thing you need now. We have this code that if the house is more than a hundred years we need to conduct analysis if there's a need to retrofit the building," he answered in a professional tone while gesturing his hands like some circles on it. She seems safe with the guy eversince he walked in her doorstep. A professional grip as a greeting earlier said it all. They guy is dreamy in his dark tone skin and killer smile. Not her usual type but the guy will get away with anything

"It's still ok for what I see," she reasoned

The guy looked down at her, "There might be underlying reason of that cracking Ms. James"

She held her throat, "But Arch. Linton, that sounds pricey for me"

He smiled again showing his incredible handsomeness, "I know Ms. James but safety should be your number one priority. After all, you're the one who will be using it. I can help you in that department Ms. James, but yes, there's another addition on price but I can assure you that it will cost less"

"What do you mean?" she tried not to glare. Is the architect milking on her because she's an actress?

He snap a picture of the ceiling through his phone again before looking at her, "Conducting something deep within is not our forte. There's some consultancy that caters on that. I can give you some contacts if you want or you can research. In my part, I know someone personally who can do that for you. But it's your choice of course. Then if your house is deemed structurally sound then we can push through restoration"

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