The Blue Forest

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Castle of Blue Forest

"Prince Jimin is here", the king of the Blue forest is informed.

"Come in Son", the king welcomes the prince.

Prince Jimin kneels on his one knee, striking the floor with the point of his sword and bows to the King.

"Stand up son, I am very satisfied with you. The way you have restricted the illegal smuggling of our forest treasures", the king is beaming with pride.

But that saddens the prince even more, he decides to spill the truth,

"No father I failed today, a precious golden flower is stolen today and I could not stop it. The thief escaped", Jimin hangs his head in shame.

The smile disappears from King's face, "WHAT?How could you let that happen in your guard?"

"Punish me Your Highness", Jimin says in a firm voice.

"How could a mere thief defeat you? You are one of the best fighters of our country!!", the king exclaims.

"It wasn't a "he", it was a woman", Jimin now wants to hide somewhere. How insulting !!!

"A woman defeated one of the greatest warriors of the Blue Forest in sword fight !!!", the king forgets to be angry, he is so surprised.

"Not in sword fight, she was just good at  escaping, I couldn't catch her", Prince Jimin knows this is very vague information but he doesn't want to spill out the supernatural phenomenon he witnessed there so early. He wants to dig into that himself first.

The king narrows his eyes, unable to believe what he has just heard from his son,
"Are you sure that's all? You are not missing something right?"

Jimin hesitates a bit, afterall he is lying to his father, the King of the Blue Forest  but sticks to his decision and nods

"Yes my King"

He then pulls out the foreign sword and submits it to the King,

"And she left that..."

While the King takes a good look at the sword, Jimin informs

"It's from Greenland.."

"Not only from Greenland, it's a royal one", the King cuts him halfway, making him dumbfounded with the new information.

"She was a Royal? A Royal invaded our forest to steal the precious flower?", Jimin can't believe it.

The King then ask his men to send a messenger to the Greenland, demanding an explanation about the incident.

Royal Palace of Greenland

Two princesses are enjoying the fireworks that has decorated the night sky in the occasion of their beloved father's birthday, the birthday of the King of the greatest kingdom. Down there, all the countrymen are enjoying  the music,dance, food,beverages and all the fun activities arranged by the Royal palace. This is that one time of the year, when all the countrymen irrespective of their class are allowed in the Royal courtyard.

"Let's go inside", the Jeongyeon tells her older sister.

"Now?", Nayeon pouts, "it has just started"

"Unnie... do you care about all these more than me? I am nervous", Jeongyeon sounds annoyed.

Nayeon sighs, "Why do you do something that you regret later?"

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