Truth versus Myth

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The Ocean Kingdom of Araza

"Again?", Emperor Onew asks his minister.

"Yes my lord, another dead body is found near the shore", the minister informs with a concerned tone.

"Are you certain that these aren't act of any land animal or humans?", the Emperor expresses his own thoughts.

"I fear it's not, it's not that simple. To my knowledge there is no human or land animal who can suck out the blood like that", the minister politely informs.

"Hmm... what is it then? What do you think?", Emperor wants to know his perspective.

To answer that the minister takes a little time, actually he is contemplating whether to give an honest answer or not. But someone else speaks his mind,

"Vampire, it's a vampire Father", a sweet but firm voice attracts both the males.

"Princess Sana !! How many times I have told you to refrain from the political matters", Emperor rebukes in an irritated tone.

"I would father but the man found dead is brother of my personal maid", Princess Sana replies apologetically.

Emperor is not fully convinced with her reasoning, still asks

"And what's with the Vampire thing? Vampires are a myth, they aren't real", Emperor Onew states confidently.

"Father, we shouldn't discard anything... human over there think mermaids are myth but we exist", Sana counters her father in a polite but firm way.

"The princess may be right my lord, all the bodies are found in the shore where the cursed dark hills descend", the minister supports princess Sana.

The Emperor finally decides to give a thought to this possibility after a lot of discussions and instructs the ministry to dig into that.

The minister again reminds Emperor Onew that if the myth of Vampire is proved to be real, they will have to join hands with humans.

The Emperor despises that idea the most, "Humans aren't trustworthy, they are greedy backstabbers, pure evil"

"Not all though", Sana mutters in her breath.


Three young figures, two females and one male are strolling in the beach in the night, the moonlight has illuminated the surroundings, the sparkling and roaring waves are striking the shores.

The taller lady asks the handsome man, " Oraboni, how many days does it take to reach the Blue Forest from Greenland?"

The man takes a moment to think then answers, "almost five days"

"What?", the frustrated scream of the lady sounds louder than the actual in this nearly deserted beach. She starts punching the guy,

"You fool, you idiot why did even I listened to your advice, I could easily deny that but now I am doomed"

"Hey hey", the guy tries to dodge those punches, "what is it Princess?"

This is when the shorter lady intervenes, "what is it Jeong? What did Tae do wrong?"

"Think about it unnie, it takes FIVE DAYS to reach the Blue Forest for a normal person, I covered that path in one day!!", Jeongyeon is still screaming excitedly.

"So what?", Taehyung and Nayeon both ask in unison.

"Oh my God, are you two seriously that dumb? No one would have believed that it was me who was there. There are plenty of public appearances of me in past four days, I could have simply denied it", the regret is clearly evident in her voice.

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