The Scholar from the Holy Mountains

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Holy Mountains

"Prince of Yoonan aspires to cross the forbidden black water", the head priest comments while sipping his cinnamon tea.

A man of a short stature is sitting beside him with a cup of tea in his hand as well. He smirks at the information of the adventure of white prince. Not erasing that smile, he look at the head priest,

"Prince of Yoonan has taken a very brave decision. If he becomes successful to cross the black water, a new door of opportunities will be opened for all the kingdoms"

"That's true Yoongi, but I fear that if he succeeds, I may never convince King Yoo about his younger daughter. The successful endeavor of white prince may solidify the idea of complete extinction of vampires." , the head priest sighs.

The man named Yoongi doesn't really understands, why head priest is worried

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The man named Yoongi doesn't really understands, why head priest is worried. He asks, "Is not that a good thing? We will also be relieved about it"

The head priest remains silent, as Yoongi observes the old man. He then asks in a mocking tone, "are you bothered that if people are convinced that there are no vampires, if they overcome their fear, the Holy Mountain may lose its importance?"

In no time, the face of the Head priest turns red in anger and embarrassment. But that's Min Yoon Gi, though he is one of the residents and scholars of Holy Mountain, he does not shy away of being blunt. He waits for the angry priest to answer and the other person bursts out,

"Min Yoon Gi... watch your mouth !!! The priests, monks, scholars, sorcerers of this Holy Mountain are devoted to humanity. We give up the luxury of life, just to serve the people better"

"Okay... I was wrong, I apologize", Yoongi instantly surrenders , keeping the smirk intact on his lips.

The head priest cools down and his breathing comes back to normal; after a pause he says, "I understand King Yoo, she is his daughter after all. But it's her fate, she is Hye Jin's descendant according to her stars, she is the hidden power of the dark lord. Once she becomes an adult, in her full bloom, eligible for mating the dark lord will come for her, he will come for his lost power"

"What if the whole theory is wrong? What if it's nothing to do with the princess? What if Hye Jin's descendant is just a myth?", Yoongi questions the authencity.

The head priest shakes his head in disagreement,"Risk was taken with the first descendant and it turned out to be a grave mistake"

He then takes out a scroll from his drawer and passes it to Yoongi. The younger scholar takes it with utmost curiosity and finds the seal of Blue Forest on it.

"A few days before, I got this letter from King Park. He mentioned some fishy activities took place at the border of Blue Forest. Though the King himself, is skeptical about to term those events caused by dark energy, he can't just rule out that possibility", the Head priest informs Yoongi, as the later goes through the letter for detailed information.

"The information from the Blue Forest is too vague to convince the King of Greenland but you fear that if the white prince crosses the black water, King Yoo will be assured that there is no dark energy?", Yoongi sums it up and looks at the elder.

"Yes... and if they rises, their first prey will be Blue Forest... it's unfair if Blue Forest has to pay for mistake done by King Yoo", Head priest sighs.

"Blue Forest won't be that easy... are you forgetting sire, they have a very strong weapon? I made it, don't you have faith in me?", Yoongi asks with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows.

"You are being too confident about your creation, aren't you? That weapon you mentioned, has not even faced any real test.... let alone defeating the dark energy", the Head priest scoffs.

"I have trust in my skills sire, I don't know if he is strong enough to defeat the dark energy alone but he is capable of giving a fight... Don't doubt the strength of Blue Prince"

Yes, the weapon Min Yoon Gi mentioned is none other than the prince of Blue Forest Park Ji Min. The scholar still remembers the day, when King Park came to Holy Mountains with a fragile, weak, thin and petite ten year old boy. He came to the mountains, seeking help of the monks to save the feeble prince. The King was then already mourning the death of his first son, fear of loosing his younger son too, drove him to the Holy Mountains. Due to premature birth, Park Ji Min had a weak and disease prone body and witnessing the death of his beloved brother took a psychological toll on him. Min Yoon Gi was then a young scholar of twenty here, he was experimenting with vampire venom at that time. After the war ended, thousand years ago, the scholars and scientists preserved the blood samples of vampires to study. Yoongi, at that time, was trying to extract the venom from the blood. But with lack of fortune, his experiments failed more than once and the outcomes are too dangerous to carry on the experiment. One of his experiment turned a man into vampire, whom they had to kill later and in another case the subject could not digest the venom and died. After these unfortunate incidents Yoongi was barred to carry on the experiment by the Head priest. But Min Yoon Gi was stubborn, he did not give up and continued in secret. When the King of Blue Forest arrived with his dying child, no one in the Holy Mountain could assure him a full recovery. King Park was not satisfied with the suggested remedies. Then one day, Yoongi met the King in private, with his offer; his audacity and boldness stunned King Park. Yoongi still remembers his words,

"Min Yoon Gi, I am letting my only living son to be your subject of experiment because I am convinced either you are insane to present this offer to a King or you have real faith in your expertise. If my child dies, you will die too. I promise you that"

Recalling that incident still sends chills to Yoongi's spine, he was young and insane then, what gave him the courage to gamble with the life of a prince? Fortunately, Park Ji Min responded well, in fact very well to his measures. The little boy miraculously was able to consume and digest the venom. Yoongi, feed him the venom in a very tiny proportions with his every day meal, to make him resistant to it. Till Park Ji Min reached his adulthood, his physical system had already adapted with the venom. The blue prince is not a vampire, he has red human blood flowing in his veins but the venom that was fed to him since childhood, gives him the vampire like strength, sharp senses and magical healing power. Min Yoon Gi always has monitored him secretly till date, King Park too provides all the details of his health. Sadly, Yoongi still has not met him in person but he is willing to meet him this time.

"Are you traveling down the Greenland again?", Yoongi asks the Head priest.

"I have to... I could not convince King Yoo last time, I may have to pressurize him this time in the presence of princes and representatives of other kingdoms", the Head priest replies.

"Damn you old man, you are so cunning !!! Well, I would like to accompany you this time", Yoongi says flashing his gummy smile.

"Damn you old man, you are so cunning !!! Well, I would like to accompany you this time", Yoongi says flashing his gummy smile

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Hey Readers,

Sorry for late update... I am very busy these days, so can't update regularly like before. Please vote and comment. Hope you will enjoy the chapter

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