h a u n t e d

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Hello everyone! Happy Halloween! Decided to post this earlier cos it had been sitting in my drafts for far too long. I don't celebrate it, but somehow unintentionally made this poem Halloween-themed. Hope you enjoy!

you weren't a ghost
neither were you a vampire
so why did you appear
in my nightmares?

you weren't a ghost
but you were a ghost
of who you used to be

the kind, loving person I knew
is now hurtful, spiteful
someone whom I dont know.

you weren't a ghost
but you were a murderer
you killed both our souls
leaving us a ghosts

you weren't a vampire
but you sucked away
my confidence

you survived on my pain, my sorrow
taking away the thing
I needed most

you weren't a vampire
but you might as well be one
you had killed me
for your existence

to the ghost
and the vampire
in you:

I hope you're happy.

I hope you're happy
that you killed someone
who loved you.

and I sure hope you're happy
that you killed me
for your own needs.


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