Chapter 6: "Hold My Hand"

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A week after

I entered the classroom as usual, this time I'm getting use to my new friends. We take the bus together every morning, eat toast, and laugh. I got to know them better, their likes and their dislikes. I got use to hanging with the boys, it's not so awkward anymore. I'm glad.

Today is the day, the day for the sports event. I joined the track and field, the sport I was invited by my friends. They helped me practice throughout the week. We sprinted together and raced each other.

I could still remember when I almost won over Chan in the practice we did together. He was a fast runner. His back looked flawless form behind.

His blond hair stood out from the field, all I could see was him. His whole body.

"You ready for this?" Chan asked frowning "you better win for the girls long distance run! I trust you in this—we practiced so hard" 

I smiled at him. Maybe I gave him an awkward smile. I don't know. I couldn't help it. My heart was pounding so hard.

"I'll win don't worry!" I reassured him giving him a pat in the back

He looked at me with his brown sparkling eyes giving me his best.
Thump thump

Sanna entered the room loudly jumping on
Chan's back
"Chan—-Chanie—-Chan!!" She said Cutely
I waved at her and she gave me five ^^
"Yoh! Ready for our run! I can do this" Sanna exclaimed doing a running motion laughing.

Jun entered the classroom after a while.. and then our home room teacher to explain the procedure.

Our class wore red headbands and red gym uniform that was given by the teacher. The school only had 1 class for the first year and 2 classes for the second year then lastly my year..the third year only had one class.

It was a small school with only a limited amount of students. There were certain colours for each year. It was easier to spot which area you were on if you ever get lost.

The whole school traveled together to borrow the private's school fields. They told me how they allow our school every year to use it—for free.

I guess they were a nice school. Not all rich, snobby, brats.

I scanned the place as my class set up our area for the sport events. The field was huge. It had nice clean fresh grass, the a soccer pole and a runners field. It was huge.

I saw students from the building window stare at us. I felt bad, they had to stay inside on such a nice day while our school have fun. They probably have an indoors field I thought stupidly.

"Third year class—class 1B and second year—class 2-C" they announced

"That's us! We can do this! Your up first Yumi.. long distance girls!" Sanna shouted cheering me on

I ran over the runners field, making sure my shoes are tied up. I fixed my shirt then my headband. I tied my hair in a ponytail making sure it won't get in the way when I run. I saw my group of friends cheer me from the far distance. I waved as they threw me a flying kiss. They're cute.

When I heard the first whistle I kneeled onto my position.
"Ready—-set—go" I whispered


"Ouchhhhhh!!!" I shouted in pain I must have twisted my ankle.

Why. Why now. Please help. I stopped running and fell on the ground. I saw the my whole world stop. This is so embarrassing.

"Hey. Here hold my hand." A man whispered catching his breath

I looked up and saw——

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