Chapter 9: "Neighbours"

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*Jun's point of view*

When the bell rang signalling everyone to go home or to self study at night, I saw my whole group stare at each other knowing we'll go home together. Even our class president. He didn't stay behind and went home with his ride.

I took the bus with the squad as usual for the past week. Having someone new in the group felt more refreshing, I finally get to see a new face... not ugly faces I see all the time. She was quite  pretty for sure—just not my type.

"I could have gotten a ride with Chan—- autumn is's getting chilly outside." I said starting the conversation

"I know right! Why did we refuse his offer—.." Sanna sniffled

"You should wear a thicker layer tomorrow and wear your winter uniform—- you get sick easily" I complained

I swear that every time I see Sanna, I just need to keep taking care of her. Since we were little she would always get sick for not layering clothes. She's such a doll.

I stared at Yumi who sat quietly at the bus—staring out the window. She's so mysterious. I want to get to know her more. Now that she knows me pretty well from our run practices.

"Ah!! I got it!! I knew I know you from somewhere Yumi!!" I exclaimed in the bus letting everyone stare at me with annoyance.

Yumi stared at me quietly, letting me continue. Her long black hair glistened and her bangs complimented her face shape. She had long eyelashes—that seems to be fake. She wore heavy makeup that made her look like a model. She acted different from what she looks like. That's what I get a lot too.

"I'm your neighbours best friend!"

She stared at me blankly. I guessed that she haven't met her neighbours yet. How awkward.

"Oh—apologies Jun—I haven't met my neighbour...I didn't feel like I needed to—."
She replied trying to hold her laugh in.

"Oh—Ye—um I visited my friend on the day you moved, and we saw you inside the expensive car with your suitcases." I continued "my friend thinks you very p—- never mind.."

"Oh I see—I didn't get to meet you that day..or see you haha" she said smiling at me

"You look very interested in her Jun-ah" Sanna interrupted folding her arms in.

I looked at Sanna ruining her hair as I patted her head down. I pinched her puffy cheeks—she looked too adorable.

Yumi laughed at us—I guess she understood me very well at that moment. I'm glad she my friend.

I needed to get home quickly. The girls' stop is before me and their houses are closer than mine. I thought about what to cook for dinner, I know my mom is busy at work. I needed to feed my brothers and sisters.

*Yumi's Point if view*

"You guys are too cute" I told Jun and Sanna
"Stop being jealous—-I know your relationship" I said jokingly

When I arrived at my stop I waved goodbye to Sanna and Jun who were still teasing each other. I stared at the house beside grandma's I wondered what he's friend looked like. Probably handsome. His group was full of handsome and pretty faces.

The house compared to grandma was significant. The neighbour's had a huge house almost like a mansion... I couldn't believe I didn't notice when I first moved here.... it's been weeks—-.

The house had a huge front yard and a backyard with a pool. I could hear the the water tank running. A beautiful tree stood in front of the house, it's leaves turned yellow to brownish—-it was extravagant.

Grandma called me over as soon as she saw me. I gave her a big hug and told her to come inside the house, since it was too cold.

We talked about our neighbour. And their huge house. And grandma's dream. A dream to have a big family.

I suddenly missed my old house. Old room. And friends.

My neighbour brought all my memories back. Painful memories.

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