Chapter 7: "I thought"

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I looked up and saw Chan.

He was catching he's breath, sweating, and reassuring I was okay.

I never notice how close we got. I thought we were awkward with each other. I thought he hated me.
"You'll be fine—get on my back" Chan said in a masculine way

Thump Thump
"Tha—thank—you Chan" I whispered quietly.
I was too shy to make a conversation as he carried me on his back. He brought me to the nurses office and they checked on my leg. The nurse kindly brought me ice and said I'll be fine.
We headed back to the classroom as I limped slowly.

"I'll carry you..get on my back." Chan offered
"I'm fine you did enough" I replied blushing

"Ah—and -I ahh!" I fell hard onto the ground as I tripped over a backpack laying directly in the entrance door.

Chan tried to grab my hand but failed to do so. He fell beside me.

"Ouch!" We both grunted

We sat up as soon as we got our balance. Chan sat beside me as we pondered at the ground.

We looked at each other's eye awkwardly.

"Umm—-You okay?" Chan asked in the awkward silence, as we sat on the ground our butts hurting.

"Haha—yeah I'm good— are you?" I replied shaking my head

"Ye—I'm fi—-ne" he replied staring at me

Then at that moment silence filled the room. He looked at me in the eyes. He touched my hand.

Thump Thump
He moved slowly. Towards me. Towards my face.

Closer. Closer. Closer

He touched my lips. My first ever kiss. I was glad it was him.

I didn't know he felt the same way.

I hugged him.

But he pushed me away —-suddenly—- when the door opened.

Sanna opened the door.

But— I thought —

I thought—-

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