Chapter 17: -Drinks-

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"An old friend?" Sanna asked
Jun stared at me—waiting for my reply.

"Well—yea... I knew her since I was young back in the city. Then we kinda drifted apart in junior high. Then I met her again in grade 10 and joined her group... I met her and her two friends Yuna and Jen"

Jun pointed at the other two girls who were laughing with Yeri.

"Yep, those two—looks like they moved here together.."

"Yea so—-they taught me how to have fun—in a different way.." I added shyly hoping they won't judge me

"Oh—so what happened? You look awkward with them—.." Sanna asked opening a pastry snack.

"Uh—nothing much..."

Sanna continued to eat her snack and asked me and Jun if we wanted some.

I shrugged.

I headed to the bathroom hoping to escape them.

"Uh! Hi Yumi" Yeri waved

"You look the same?" Yena added as she put on makeup.

"Why did u move without telling us?" Jen asked as she poked my shoulders hard.


The two girls stared at me and laughed.

They liked how Jen kept pushing me to the door.

I couldn't do anything.

"Is it because of what had happened??—don't tell me you're blaming us? It's your fault for being a sl—u..."

"Yumi?" Sanna interrupted

Yena couldn't continue her words. She backed away from me and acted normal.

"Oh— Sanna"

"Hey, you're in our class!" Yena interrupted

Sanna stared at her and ignored her. She grabbed my hand and took me outside.

"What happens—-did u throw up?" She asked

"No! I'm fine" I replied

"Okay let's go back to the classroom. You better be not lying to me"

The bell rang signalling everyone to go home. Chan was left behind—he wanted to study for the night.

The rest of us took the bus home as usual. But this time new people joined the bus.

"Uh! We see each other again Yumi"

"Wanna hang out with us?" Yeri asked forcefully grabbing my hands.

"Uh—yea.." I replied

"Let's come Jun" Sanna joined

"Great more people the better!" Yena added

Yeri's group decided to hang out in the cafe close by and talk. They wanted to get to know Jun and Sanna.

I didn't know to want to come.

I was afraid they'll let them know.

We sat down and ordered our drinks.

I got a latte.

"So—-how did u guys meet?" Yeri asked as she played with the straw

Sanna told the whole story. From beginning to end. I didn't want to let her tell them.

Of all people, it had to be them.

"Why did u guys move here?" Jun asked

"Well—-we were worried about Yumi misunderstanding us" Yena replied taking a sip of her iced americano.

"Misunderstanding??" Sanna added

I sat there afraid. Afraid they'll add more to it.

Please don't ask Sanna. I don't want you to know.

"What do you mean?" Jun said shaking his head

"Well—I mean.. maybe we should let Yumi tell you guys—since you don't know," Yeri said looking at me with attitude. She smirked. Raised her eyebrows signaling that it's over for me.

Jun and Sanna stared at me curiously. They wanted an answer.

"Hey, guys!" Chan shouted across the room.

"You didn't tell me you guys were hanging out today. Good thing I saw you as I passed by."

I was glad Chan came and interrupted us.

"What's up with the tense aura here?" He asked as he took an extra Chair beside our table—placing it beside me.

"Ugh! Hey I was sitting beside Yumi!" Sanna exclaimed with annoyance hitting Chan lightly.

I was glad the group was complete.

"Anyways!" Yena added waiting for Chan to introduce his name.

Chan ignored the girls as if they weren't sitting in front of him. He continued to sip my drink.

I laughed.

Yeri and her group didn't like it.

They wanted to ruin my moment.

"Yumi moved because the whole school hated her in grade 10—cause she was known as a slut" Yeri shouted making my group of friends sip in silence.

They all looked at me.


The word slut surrounded my head.

It kept ringing.

Flashbacks occurred back and forth.



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