Im nothing special

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you know, i really dont know whats wrong with me, what does everyone have that i dont.

i try too hard to have the people i want in my life, but that doesnt work, and all my hard work fails, falls to the ground and gets crushed into a million pieces. and i get really sad

so yeah right now im doing my homework and lizzie went home and i really shouldn't be left alone, because i really wanna, you know... do that one thing, with my razor.

i really dont want andrea, nicole or tatum to read my story because im scared theyll hate me because of how horrible and depressing i am.

but you know, y should i care. y should i care about anything.

i really want kaija here right now because shes so happy and makes me laugh haha.

and i want to do my room right now to get my mind off things

and theres a guy haha and we talk all night after lizzie goes to bed and we fall asleep on the phone and its pretty cute... i think so, but then aain i might fall to the ground after i fall for him.

congrats lizzie

11/2/14 1:31 PM

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