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So today i ot up and walked all around the house getting my shir together for mia to come, and then she came, and it was fun, and we were pretty productive, and i didnt think that we would. And then she had to leave, but she couldn't find her earbuds and her mom was getting impatient so mia just had to leave. And then i got a tect saying that her mom thoight i stole them, like no... so i cleaned ut my whole room and i found them and i felt so accomplished. Then i had to go to,home depot for a gallon of yellow paint and a gallon of white paint for furniture. And i also got some air freshener and ohhhh yes its so holiday-y but not christmas, holiday. Then i was talking to kaija and she told me to ask my grandma again if i voukd have thanksgiving at her house and i as so scared to, because my grandma would say sttaight up, no and she told me what to say,  but i forgot some of it, and she wouldn't buy it so i asked if i can i go kaijas and sje said no, so i told kaija, and she was all said and in a bad mood and i tried lightening it, but i suck at it so yeah. And then she got mad at lizzie for i guess u could call it 'dissing' her snapchat and then lizzie got mad and omf everyone was mad so i managed to calm them down so yay me. Then lizzie went to bed, and i made her my #wce so she could wake up and be happy. Oh yeah, happy day before thanksgiving. Then i took a shower to get all the paint off my body. And layed in bed and my grandma came in and was like what u doin and i said writing and then she said go to bed. And i said hold on. And she was like y r,u so mean, what u doing and i was like, y do u ask the same questions and she said cuz i can Like fuck u too. And now im tired so night

11/27/14 11:46PM

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