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Christmas day ahhh how peaceful

Sike bitch

Okay so I woke up and thought I was gonna be sick so I went to the bathroom, fell asleep in the bathroom, woke up, went back to bed, got up, went back to bed and then got up and everyone opened presets

I got


Makeup brushes

Makeup box




Jolly rancher molding kit

Nail polish


And the other stuff I told u about sooo yeah

Then  I went to my friends house and she got some weird stuff. And we went back and forth from my house, and we went ice skating on her trampoline and hung out. Then ate pork tacos. And guess what my mom never came I should never be surprised from her ass

Then I made markers with a kit my friend got and came home and made hot chocolate and bow I'm in a group chat. And I was invited to go somewhere with Caitlin (auto correct i can't change) and I'm snapchat ting this guy I sent nudes to with kaija and like in the group chat no one is being themselves and trying to look cool arg

And on instagram this chicken commented on mia photo about how her record player like would ruin shit so I got mad and she got offended and "command" me to sit down so she blocked me

12/25/14 10:25PM

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