004. JANUARY 5, 2018

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"Look at him!" Blue yelled from on the floor.

We were currently in my bedroom doing whatever on our phones, since we were having a sleepover in my room. We may live together, but we still like having sleepovers in each other's rooms.

"Who?" I asked.

"Tom!" I rolled my eyes and continued scrolling through YouTube to see if there was anything interesting to watch while she gushed about Tom and whoever else she thinks is hot this week.

I tuned her out and found a video about dumb random hacks, so I started watching it with the volume off.

"Sophia!" Blue yelled causing me to hum and look at her. The dumb hack videos always suck you into their dumbness.

"I'm talking about a literal god and all you do is watch fucking diy videos! Am I wrong?" She exclaimed causing my eyes to widen in shock. She isn't wrong though.

"I didn't hear the name Jesus come out of your mouth, so you clearly weren't talking about a god." Her eyes widened this time and she sat up straight.

"Yes, I am! Tom is a god!" I rolled my eyes and unpaused the video.

He isn't even remotely attractive. Gumby has more going for him and he's a green clay humanoid.

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