014.75 JANUARY 31, 2018

757 15 2


Sophia and I kept texting, and I kept glancing over at her to see her fidgeting.

"Sophia! Why the fuck do you keep moving?" Blue yelled causing Sophia to look at her.

"N-Nothing. Fuck! Nothing! I'm good!" Blue narrowed her eyes at Sophia and stepped closer to her, causing Sophia to clutch her phone in her hand to her chest.

"What are you hiding?"


"You clearly are since you're hiding your phone from me!" Blue yelled while getting even closer to her.

"Just don't want you to see what's on here. Y'know, private stuff." Sophia nodded.



"I've seen you naked before." Blue turned around causing Sophia to relax.

"Is it the guy's?" Avery asked from on the chair in the living room.

"Wait you have nudes?" Abraxas asked causing Blue to hit him on the back of the head.

"Yes and yes." Sophia nodded.

My phone buzzed, so I looked down to see that Sophia texted me. I got really into it until Avery grabbed my phone.

"Who the fuck is-" before he continue his sentence I put my hand over his mouth and grabbed my phone back and locked it.

"I just hope yous two aren't talking to each other," Abraxas said as he grabbed a slice of pizza along with Blue.

"Why?" Sophia asked.

Maybe she knows it's me.

Or maybe she's just asking? I don't know that could be a thing.

"Yous would never work," Blue said. I think we would work.

Sophia shook her head and continued texting me once again. Oh, how I wish she knew it was me.

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