019. FEBRUARY 19, 2018

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The five of us were hanging out, but I couldn't stop talking to my mystery guy.

"I'm soon going to take your phone away if you don't stop," Avery said as he came back to Tom and I who were both on our phones.

"Let me be happy!" I exclaimed.

"What are yous talking about?" He asked as he sat beside me, so I showed him.

"Do you think he likes me?" Recently I told Avery all about my mystery boy and he seems happy about it.

"Yes, I think he likes you." He nodded.

"Fancy like?"

"Yes." I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into him.

The three of us were quiet for about ten minutes until Avery kicked Tom.

"Owe!" Tom exclaimed with his eyes narrowed at Avery.

"Stop it!" Tom quickly started to glare at Avery.

I looked back at Avery to see him glaring at Tom. He stood up and looked at me.

"C'mon," he said with his hand outstretched to me. I had no clue what just happened, but I was comfortable on the couch.

"No, I wanna be back here with Tom!" I whined causing Tom to smirk at Avery.


"Why can't I be back here with him?" I asked as I slightly scooted closer to Tom.

Avery turned around and left, so I looked up at Tom to see him looking down at me.

"Did you talk to your mystery boy?" He asked. I nodded.

"We're really really getting to know each other." He nodded.

"You like him?"

"A lot." I smiled.

More than I'd like to.

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