027. APRIL 18, 2018

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Tom and I haven't seen the three in awhile and today we were going to see them at my apartment. I opened the door of the apartment and went in to see Blue sitting at the kitchen table with Abraxas.

"Look at what I found!" Avery yelled as he came into the kitchen as the two looked at Tom and I.

Avery noticed and looked at us. He quickly came over and hugged me. After a bit he pulled away and looked at me.

"It hasn't been that long," I said.

"Shut up." He pulled me back into him until Abraxas pulled me into a hug.

"It's been forever!" He yelled.

"I swear I just saw you."

"Shut up!" I smiled at him and looked at Blue who was glaring at me.

We had a staring contest until she broke it by yelling at me, "You are the worst best friend in the entire world!"

"Why's that?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

She stood up as she started getting even more mad.

"Why?" I nodded.

She came over to me and tried hitting me, but I grabbed her wrist.

"Let go."

"Don't try and hit me." She slightly nodded so I let go of her. She knows not to hit me. She did once and it did not end pretty for her.

I stepped around her and tried going back to my room, but she stopped me.

"Sophia!" She yelled.

"All you wanna do is yell at me, and I don't wanna hear it. I left for a reason, and I'm not ready to tell you that reason yet." I stopped and looked at her.

"You could've texted!" I could've, but I know better.

"You would've bugged me about it, Blue! You don't stop!" I almost continued back to my room until she jumped on me causing me to fall to the ground.

The boys stepped in front of the counter so they could watch.

"Talk to me!"

"Fuck no!" I pushed her off of me, but she sat on me.

"Sophia Amara Porter! I am not getting off of you until you talk to me!" She's so persistent.

"I'll talk to you, but not about my problems," I said causing her to lay on me and groan.

I pushed her off of me and stood up. She looked up at me as I crouched down beside of her.

"Don't turn into the others, Blue. If you do, you'll really turn into them." Her eyes slightly went wide, so I stood back up and went into my room with somebody following me. I looked to see that it was Tom. He laid on the bed and pulled me onto him.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked.

"It was me, Blue, my sister, brother, another girl, a boy, and then Blue's brother. We were all in a group. Her brother, the other boy and my brother followed me to work and told the girls except for Blue." I explained.

"Yous two have always been close?" I nodded.

"Yes. They all kept basically taunting me with what they knew. One day they wrote a note to Blue saying what they saw, she obviously read it and didn't believe it which was good. I tortured the others and they died, so technically I've already killed people before Karmyn made me." I explained.

"You did it there though, right?" I nodded.

He pulled me closer and kissed my neck.

"I told Blue that I beat them up and that, she believed me about that. She thinks that they did what I did and are in jail." He sat up and looked at me.

"Maybe you should tell her." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Do Abraxas and Avery know what you do?" I questioned.


"Then no I will not. I'll tell her everything once you tell the boys everything." He sighed and snuggled into me.

"One day." I nodded and started drifting off to sleep.

One day.

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