022.5 MARCH 18, 2018

648 14 0


I looked over at Sophia and Tom to see his hand all the way up her thigh and them whispering to each other. I nudged Abraxas causing him to look. He nudged Avery so he looked.

"I hope he tells her soon," Abraxas murmured.

We all got quiet until Tom groaned and Sophia slightly giggled. He grabbed her jaw and they just looked at each other until Sophia's phone went off. He let go of her and she stood up just to face him.

"Are you going to work?" She asked him.

"If you are, yeah." He nodded.

"I gotta go get ready." She went back to her room, so we all looked at Tom.

He looked at us and rolled his eyes.

"I'm about to chop your dick off if you don't tell her!" I threatened.

"I will!"


"I don't know yet! I don't want her to be mad at me." He looked down for a split second and then looked back up at us.

"She will be no matter what. She won't be as mad if you tell her soon." He stood up and went to the kitchen right as Sophia's door opened.

"Ready?" She asked him.

"Ready." They left without saying bye, leaving us three in the living room.

"We can't tell her," Avery said. We all wanted to since it seemed like Tom wasn't going to anytime soon.

"Obviously not. We have to let it go," Abraxas mumbled.

"I guess we do," I muttered, obviously not happy with the situation.

Tom cannot keep doing this to Sophia.

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