018. FEBRUARY 14, 2018

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Abraxas, Avery, and I went into Sophia and Blue's apartment to see Blue in the living room sitting on the floor. She put her finger to her lips so we listened to hear Sophia balling. I took my phone out and decided to text her, about a second later there was a smash.

"What happened?" Avery asked Blue as we went into the living room and sat on the couch and chair.

"She won't talk about it, I know it has something to do with that guy she's been talking to though." Great. She's upset because of me.

"Why's she upset about that?" Abraxas asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"She doesn't know him. She only knows what he told her, and she's always been one to fall really hard really easily." I can't believe I broke Sophia's little heart and nobody knows except for me.

"Also, she told me that she thinks somebody in this room is cute which isn't helping." The guys looked at me instantly.

"Oh c'mon! Yous two are always looking at each other," Avery said when I gave them a confused look.

"That does not mean I like her."

"If you didn't then you wouldn't talk about her." I narrowed my eyes at them and looked back into the hallway to see Sophia coming out with a blanket wrapped around her as tears streamed down her face.

"Will you take me to work?" She asked as she looked at me.

"You're not going like this," I said. I hated that she worked where I did. I've worked there a long time and I've never seen her or heard of her.

"Yes, I am! It distracts me." I nodded, so she turned around and went back to her room.

I looked back to the three to see them looking at me shocked.

"Why do you seem hurt?" Blue asked.

"Tom, are you-are you the guy?" She asked as she stood up.

"Oh my god," Abraxas murmured.

"Mate," Avery said.

"This wasn't supposed to happen! Don't tell her it's me!" She can't know. She'll hate me forever. More than she did before she even knew me.

"What'd you do?" Avery asked.

"What the fuck do you mean 'what'd you do'?" I asked as I slightly backed up towards the kitchen.

"Never mind."

Sophia came out and wiped her eyes quickly. She stopped at the four of us and looked at my hand which was slightly outstretched to her. Her eyes traveled up to my face and then back down to my hand. She slowly grabbed it and then stepped closer.

"Ready?" She nodded and sniffled.

I'm a dick.


The whole car ride I kept checking my phone to see if he texted me back.

"Stop it," Tom said as he parked in the parking lot of our work.

"Why do I get attached so easily?" I asked.

"I don't know why you do, but I think you should give the guy a chance." I rolled my eyes and looked out of my window.

"I don't even think he likes me," I murmured and grabbed the door handle. I don't even know the guy in real life either.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because he calls me cute pet names, and I just send him pictures of myself, and then I tell him how much I really wanna meet him, and he 'promises' me that we will. He confuses me and makes me mad. I wish our whole 'relationship' wasn't like based on sexual stuff, but I don't wanna tell him that because I like him." I glanced beside of me at Tom to see him looking at me.

"Maybe tell him that when you're ready to talk."

"I'm always ready to talk to him. Y'know he kinda reminds me of you. I don't know, yous text the same and it's kinda odd." He chuckled and opened his door.

"Odd." I also got out of the car and followed him inside of the building. I hope that didn't make anything awkward between us.

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