044. JUNE 20, 2018

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I was outside sitting on Tom who was sitting on a chair along with the boys when Blue came outside with the random girl.

"I saw a huge a-what the fuck do you want?" Abraxas asked looking at her with his eyes narrowed as they came closer to us.

"Everyone's coming outside." And they all did.

Tom pulled me closer to him and sat up. I looked in front of us to see Blue's oldest brother, Brock coming towards us.

"I didn't think you would be coming," he said to me.

"I didn't think I would either." He nodded and sat beside of Abraxas and looked at him.


"Hi." They talked, so I looked at Avery to see him gone, so I looked back at Tom.

He stood up causing me to stand. He grabbed my hand and we went over to a tree that nobody else was by so we sat down against it. Blue and her lady friend were on the other side of the tree. Tom started opening his mouth, so I put my mouth over it so he couldn't speak.

"Who are those four people you know?"

"Like you don't know," Blue muttered.

"Okay, why aren't you friends anymore?"

"It's a long story." No it is not.

"You look like you miss them."

"Nope, no I do not."

"Blyss." Eww.

"So what if I do? I screwed up and they hate me!" Tom nodding.

"Talk to them!"

"Not gonna happen."


"N-o-p-e! Nope!"

"Fine, but stop bitching about it then."

"I don't bitch about it." She always has something to bitch about.

"Yes you do. You don't even know it and you do."


One of them started getting up, so Tom quickly attached his lips to mine and we started making out.

"Shut your mouth!" Blue hissed and dragged the girl away from what I heard.

I pulled away and looked at Tom.

"I don't like that girl," I said as I sat back beside of him.

"I don't either. She seems like a bitch." I nodded and hummed.

Abraxas ran over and grabbed my hand pulled me up.

"C'mer! You stay! We gotta talk in private!" Abraxas dragged me to the side of the house, but we could still see people and Tom.

"Who's the guy with the blue hair?" I looked to see that it was Finley.

"That's my half-brother Finley," I said.


"He likes boys and I know that the boys want you to meet someone. Why don't we go say hi?" He nodded, so I grabbed his hand and dragged him over.

"Fin!" He looked at me.

"I have no time to chat! I wanted to introduce you to someone!" He looked behind me at Abraxas who was probably looking down.

"You're cute." YES!

"Thanks. I'm Abraxas."

"Finley." They started talking so I went back over to Tom who was with Avery.

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