035.5 MAY 27, 2018

497 9 2


The boys didn't care at all. I bet they're just like them. Murderers.

"I knew you did this stuff," Abraxas said to Tom.

"You told me when you were drunk." Tom nodded and looked at Avery.

"My family kinda does it."

"Kinda?" Sophia asked while raising her eyebrow at him.

"Dad says we're Kamryn's competitor."

"You're the people that Kamryn hates!" She exclaimed.

Avery nodded.

"Wow, you're sneaky man."

"Thanks, boo." She smiled at that.

"You better not tell anyone," Tom said to me as he had his head leaning on the couch.

"I won't."

"You're a snitch, Blue," Sophia said.

"I won't tell."

"Yeah, okay," Abraxas mumbled.

"I promise!" I looked at Avery to see him with a blank expression on his face.

"Just don't tell anybody and you'll be fine." I nodded as the four got up. They all went back to Sophia's room and started talking about the stuff.

I just hope they don't hurt me or kill me. I really thought they were friends, I guess I was wrong.


The four of us took what I wanted and went back to Tom's apartment.

"We're roomies!" He exclaimed to me.

"Wow," Abraxas said as he put a bag down.

"Wow," Avery said copying Abraxas' actions.

"Wow," I also said while plopping down onto the couch.

Ton rolled his eyes and took my stuff into the bedroom.

This is going to be great.

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