016. FEBRUARY 5, 2018

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"I'll be back later," I said as I went out to the kitchen where Blue was on her phone and eating cereal.

"Have fun." I nodded and left.

I was heading to work for the first time in about three months. I may be an Instagram 'model' so to speak, but I still like having a job.

As I was walking to work I looked around, checking for random people or cars just to see a car coming towards me, so I moved out of the way, but they stopped beside me and rolled down their window.

"Get in the car right now," Tom said.

"C'mon," he said when all I did was look at him with semi-wide eyes.

I finally got in and buckled up. Before driving off Tom looked at me with his eyes narrowed for a bit.

"What the fuck are you doing at this time of night, walking?" He asked and began to drive.

"Going to work."

"You work in the scary parts of town?" I nodded and hummed as I watched him drive. He's really cute.

"Where?" He asked glancing at me.

"You are not knowing where I work. Blue doesn't even know," I said quickly. It would kill her if she knew where I worked.

"Well, I'm not letting you walk." I crossed my arms and sat back in the seat.

He drove faster and we soon made it to where I work.

"Is it around here?" I nodded and opened the door and got out.

He quickly came over to me, as I started walking towards the old building. We went in to see about five people including the boss.

"Ahh, yous finally made it!" I looked up at Tom with my mouth open to see him look down at me.

"You work here?" We asked in unison and nodded.

Just great.

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