048. JUNE 29, 2018

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I was in the living room jamming out when the music stopped which made me sad. I looked to see the boys.

"What the fuck!"

"It's too loud." Tom said.

"No it's not! Turn it back on!" He didn't so I ran over to him causing him to grab me.

"Babe! I want it on!" I whined.

"No! We're spending quality time together!" I groaned as he carried me over to the couch and placed me between the boys and he sat on the chair.

I crossed my arms and glanced at the boys to see them smiling.

"This isn't humorous." I stated.

"Yes it is." Abraxas said.

"Do you wanna fight?"


"You wanna throw hands?"

"I'm shaking in my boots."

I pushed him off the couch so he pulled me off the couch by my ankles.

"You hurt my butt!" I yelled after I landed in it.

"Want me to kiss it?" He smirked.

"Avery!" I yelled and looked back at him.

"Oh sure, tell on me to your best fucking friend." Abaraxas said.


"I heard him, Soph." I looked up at him in shock.

"Help me out!"

"I'm not in the mood."

"Tom!" He kicked Abraxas which made me smile.

"Owe! Mate!"

"Stop talking inappropriately to my girlfriend." Abraxas rolled his eyes as I turned to Avery.

"What's wrong, Pal?" I asked.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked.

"Get me a girlfriend."

"Dude, I cant even get myself friends that are girls. What makes you think I can get you a girlfriend?" I asked as I leaned on his legs.

"We go somewhere and boom, girlfriend."

"We're gonna have to go out in the world, Av." I said.

"I figured that out."

"Can we go get food?" Abraxas asked.

Avery nodded, I nodded, even Tom nodded so we all got ready. Okay, more like I got ready.

"Oh my god, what if Blue and whatever her name is is there?" I asked.

"Who the fuck cares." Tom said from beside of me in the drivers seat.



"I can't!"

"You're gonna because I said so."

"Wow, so convincing." Abraxas said.

"So what if they are?" Avery asked.

"They could ruin our funs!" I exclaimed.

"We're going to a club. How fun can it be?" Abraxas asked.

"You work at said club!"

"It's sucks!"

"Why don't we just go to like the store?" So that's where we went instead.

We went in the toy isle and four girls were in it. One started talking to Abraxas right away. I looked up at Avery to see him looking annoyed.

"Free? Sorry, but I'm talking to someone, but my pal's free." Abraxas said and pointed to Avery.

"Very free." Tom mumbled.

The one started talking to Avery and another started talking to Abraxas.

"Where are yous going?" Two of them asked in unison.

"Food." I said quickly.

"We still need to get food." Tom said.

"I remembered. We'll tell them when we're done." He nodded.

"I heard food." Abraxas said.

"We forgot to get it!" Avery exclaimed.

"We will when we leave." They nodded and continued talking.

The two girls came with us which wasn't the best.

"Yous two seem friendly."

"Very." Tom muttered while dragging me into the chip isle.

"I want the hot ones!" I grabbed three bags of different flaming hot chips.

"I don't. I don't know what I want! You're kinda Flamin' Hot." He said quickly.

"That's going in the notes." So I put in my notes for caption ideas.

"Why do yous seem familiar?" One of the girls asked.

"Instagram." I said like it was no big deal because it's not to us. We're not famous.

"Oh my god!-"

"Daddy!" Abraxas ran over and hugged Tom.

"Hi, Daddy."

"Hi, Son."

"Eww, no!" Abraxas said letting go of him.

"You called me Daddy."

"Yeah, cause you are daddy." Tom rolled his eyes and went for the classic regular potato chip.

He came over to me as Abraxas picked out what he wanted and grabbed my bags for me.

"Thank you." He nodded and glanced at the girls who were leaving the isle.

He looked back at me and kissed my head.

"Eww, gross!" Abraxas said causing us to look at him. Well Tom to glare at him.

Once Avery came back we all left and went to some fast food place.

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