008.5 JANUARY 11, 2018

913 18 12


Me, Abraxas, and Avery were at Avery's apartment hanging out when Abraxas started flipping out.

"She posted!" He practically screamed like a little school girl. I rolled my eyes at his idioticness.

"You have her post notifications on?" Avery asked from beside me on his bed.


We all looked at lolphia's post and Avery mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked causing him to look at me.

"She's a bitch."

"Well, yeah," I nodded just for Abraxas to stand up from the floor and look at me with wide eyes.

"No, she's not!" He exclaimed. He can't seriously be defended her. He doesn't even the bitch.

"Mate, you haven't even talked to her!" Avery crowed as he sat up from leaning against the wall.

"And you have?"

"Yes! I have proof that I've dmed your fucking girlfriend." Avery did whatever on his phone and tossed it on the bed, so Abraxas and I both read it to see that he was right.

We both looked back at Avery to see him looking at us, mostly Abraxas.

"She's so hot!" Abraxas exclaimed.

"Yeah, she's hot, but she's a bitch who hates us for literally no reason," Avery said as he grabbed his phone.

"Why are you so upset about this?" I asked as I sat back where I previously was, and Abraxas sat at the end of the bed.

"Because Abraxas is so in love with her, and he doesn't know her."

Abraxas narrowed his eyes at Avery and then smiled.

"Do not dm her!" I yelled at Abraxas.

"It's worth a shot." His thumbs went flying away.

I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"I'll see ya's later." They said bye, and I left.

My friends are fucking morons.

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