009. JANUARY 15, 2018

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Blue was dragging me to a club, well her job, and I did not want to go at all. I just wanted to stay at home, eat food, and watch tv.

But no.

Blue and I made our way into the place, and it was packed like usual. There were sweaty, drunk bodies everywhere. It was disgusting.

She dragged me over to the bar and sat down beside some guy, so I also sat down beside her just as a guy sat beside me.

"Dude, I don't wanna be here," I said as I got my phone out of my little purse.

"Get off of your phone! I don't care!" I put it down on the counter and looked at her as she was looking at the alcohol on the wall in front of us.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Strawberry lemonade!" I smiled. It was a very good and refreshing drink.

"Alcoholic, Soph!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. I wasn't a big drinker like Blue was. I could care less if I ever drank, while Blue would go mad if she never drank again. She drank practically every day, and made sure we always had alcohol in our apartment.

Blue rolled her eyes as the bartender came over. He looked at me and his eyes went wide. I looked at Blue who glanced at me.

"Can you by chance make a strawberry lemonade?" She asked. Best friend award goes to her.

"Without alcohol?" She nodded.

"Yeah. What else do you want?" She told him what she wanted, so I glanced at the guy beside me and wanted to kill myself. It was Tom, more commonly known as tmr, a god, daddy, ect. I looked beside Blue to see Avery and he was looking right at me.

Once Blue was done ordering she smiled at me.

"He was cute. Why does he seem familiar?"

"Instagram. Do you think mine will come with a cute little umbrella?" I asked quickly, trying to ignore the three people I despised the most in this godawful world.

"If it doesn't I'll make sure you get one." I smiled and got on Snapchat. I wonder if I have the three boys on here. I shrugged and took a picture of Blue.

Let's hope tonight doesn't go to shit.


Right as they both took the two seats I looked over at Avery who was on the other side of them, to see him roll his eyes. He hated them, especially Sophia, aka lolphia, so much.

"Blue!" Sophia yelled causing her friend to look at her.


"Can I leave?" Sophia asked. She was on her phone the whole time, all while Blue yelled at her.

"No. I brought you here so you could get some dick." Sophia looked up at Blue from her drink

"I don't want dick." That's shocking.

"You need some."

"You need some." Sophia fired back with her eyes narrowed.

"I know!" Sophia rolled her eyes and looked back down at her almost empty drink.

I looked at her outfit to see that she was wearing the same dress from her Instagram post. Tight and bright.

Abraxas came back over to us and Blue started talking to him. Sophia looked at the two, put her drink down quietly, and got off of the chair as quietly as she could. Once she was standing she looked at Blue and left. Avery shot up and left, so I followed him to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid.

I hope he doesn't follow her. He probably is though since he wants to know why she hates us.

I was curious too, but I wouldn't go to thing length just to know.

I followed Avery up some stairs and back a hallway where he pushed Sophia into the corner, so I hid in a room but peeked out to watch them.

"Hello to you too," she muttered as she crossed her arms.

"Fine, I don't necessarily have a reason as to why I hate you and your friends," she admitted when all he did was look at her. It cannot be that easy and simple.

"I'd understand why you would hate Tom." Rude.

"He's a douche." He nodded.

"I mean you seem alright," she smirked as she stood up straight.

"What about Abraxas?" She hummed.

"He also seems like a douche, but he also seems okayish." She shrugged.

"He's annoying."

"If he's talking to Blue, I bet he is." He nodded. They'll be a match made in heaven.

Sophia looked at Avery for a bit and then smiled.

"Wanna leave? I do and Blue won't let me leave without dick." He nodded and turned around, but looked back at her.

She grabbed his outstretched hand, and they went downstairs, so I also went downstairs while having a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I hope it goes away.

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