024. APRIL 4, 2018

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I haven't talked to my mystery boy in a while, and he hasn't talked to me in awhile now which has given me some type of relief. I also haven't been home in awhile, but I've been with Tom and I secretly really liked it.

"Soph?" Tom asked as he looked at me from the ceiling. We were laying on the living room floor since we couldn't fall asleep.


"I know you're gonna be mad at me when I tell you this, but I hope you won't be to mad." He said as he sat up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm your mystery guy." I sat up with my eyebrows furrowed at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm the guy you've been talking to for months now."

"No you are not." He handed me his phone, so I looked to see our conversations throughout the months and the pictures.

I put his phone down and looked at him.

"You're-you-you used me?" I asked.

"No, I wanted-I don't actually know why I did it yet I do. At first it was to see what you would say because you hated me and then I started liking you and I didn't want to stop." He explained.

"We sexted at first!" I exclaimed.

"I wanted to see what you would do and then we started talking!" He exclaimed back.


"I'm sorry, you can hate me all you want." I got up on me knees and went over to him.

"You really do make me mad." He looked at me as I decided to straddle him.

"You're not mad at me?" He questioned as he grabbed my waist.

"Yes I'm mad, but we have a game to finish." He smirked and pulled me closer to him causing me to kiss him.

This game is so going to end great.

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