023. MARCH 25, 2018

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The front door opened causing me to run out of my room to see Tom holding Sophia bridal style.

"Not right now, Blue." He took her back to her room as Abraxas and Avery came out of my room.

The three of us have been hanging out a lot since Sophia and Tom have been missing for the past few days. We called them, texted them, even dmed them and they never answered. They weren't even on Instagram.

"Tom!" Sophia exclaimed.

"I'm right here, but I have to leave."

"Stay!" She exclaimed.

"I need a shower and clothes, Love." Oooh!

She whined as her bed squeaked.

"Soph-no, you're staying here. Sophia." He warned at the end.

"I wanna be with you!" Sophia whined.

"Okay, pick out some clothes. I gotta go tell them something." There was a bit of rustling and Tom came out looking tired.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We're going to mine," he said simply.

"No, Tom!" I exclaimed. He knew I wanted more.

"Work! That's all that I'm saying." He said clearly annoyed.

"Yous have been at work for seven days?" Abraxas asked.


Sophia came out causing Tom to look back at her and go over to her.

"Do you have what you want?" She nodded, so he picked her up and her bag.

"We'll call you then, alright?" He asked looking mostly at me.

"Fine." He nodded and left.

I looked up at Abraxas and Avery and sat on the couch.

"They didn't look good, both of them," Avery stated.

"They'll tell us when they're ready." I nodded.

"Hopefully," Abraxas muttered.


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