037. MAY 31, 2018

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I went down the torture hallway and went into Ricky's room to see Blue all beaten, bruised, and bloody. She was a mess.

"Blue!" She looked up at me and looked tired.

"Don't step closer to her, Sophia," Ricky warned from the door.

"You can't do this to her!" I yelled.

"Yes, I can! I found her!" He exclaimed as I looked behind him to see Tom.

"What's going on?" He asked as he came in and saw Blue.

"You can hurt whoever you want, just not her," Tom said and looked back at Ricky.

"Sophia," Ricky said and looked at me. He's always had a strange liking for me, and I hated it. He was creepy.

"You touch her and I'll kill you," Tom said as he came over to me.

Karmyn came in and looked at us.

"What's going on?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Ricky can't keep hurting her," I said nodding towards Blue.


"She's my sister," I lied. It wasn't the worst lie considering Blue and I actually do look similar.

"She is?" I nodded.

"She must've followed me here someday, and I haven't been home to notice if she was at home or not." Karmyn nodded.

"Let her go, Ricky." Ricky looked at Tom.

"You're not," Tom stated.

"Then yous aren't getting her," Ricky smirked cashing me to roll my eyes at his dumbness.

"Pick somebody else! You're not getting Sophia and you're not hurting her anymore!" Tom yelled.

"You want to hurt Sophia?" Karmyn asked looking at Ricky.

"Yes," he said simply.

"You're not going to. She's your boss along with him. You're not getting Sophia, Ricky. If you do anything to her you will be killed." Tom pulled me back into him as we watched the two.

"Now let her go and go torture somebody else!" Ricky left, so I untied Blue.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?" I asked as she just looked at me tiredly.

"Never mind! What are we gonna do? Do we take her to a hospital?" I asked looking up at Tom.

"We have to." He picked her up, so we got our stuff and left.

"Should I tell the guys?" I asked.

"Yes." So I called them.

'What the fuck, Soph,' Abraxas complained. It was three in the morning.

"Shut up! Me and Tom are taking Blue to the hospital if yous care or not."

'What happened?' Avery asked.

"Somebody from work hurt her."

'Alright, we'll be there.'

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