The Tweet

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I open the message from Jensen.

Jensen: Hey Tay you okay? Pellegrino said he saw you crying on a bench with Rob?

Me: Hey J. I'm fine just emotional! That time of the month.

I lied to him yeah but there was no way I could tell him the truth

Jensen: Oh ok! Love you Kid! XOXO

Me: Love you too J!

I decide to walk back to Jensen's Trailer and wait for him. I get to his trailer and walk in and collapse onto his couch! My phone sends a notification so i pull it out my pocket thinking its Rob or someone else responding to the tweet . When i see what it is my mouth falls open and I drop my phone! Richard Speight Jr. commented on the tweet I tweeted with Rob earlier! I pick up my phone off the floor and with a shaky hand I click on the twitter notification and begin to read it.

 @RobBenedict Hey Bobbo who's the cutie in the picture! You been holding out on me man! LOL!! 

I sit there in shock! Did Richard Speight Jr. call me a cutie!

I exit out of twitter and pull up Robs name in my text messages. I send him a message!


I wait for him to respond back...after 10 minutes he responds back

Robster: Hey Tayser! In between filming whats wrong!

Me: Have you seen the tweet of the pictures we took?!?!? I'm freaking out!!!

Robster: I've been busy filming haven't had a chance to look I'll look at them later!

Me: ROB!! Richard comment...I'm freaking out!! Go read now!!

I send the message and wait for Rob answer back but he doesn't. I send another message.

Me: Rob!! Ahh!! Please Rob!!!

Me: Rob!!

Rob's POV

I'd been filming my scenes with Jared and Jensen. I saw that Taylor tweeted the photos but I haven't had a chance to look at them. They give us a 10 minute break to get some water. I go look at my phone and see i have messages from Taylor.

Tayser: ROB!!!! ARE YOU BUSY....I NEED YOU=o

Me: Hey Tayser! In between filming whats wrong!

Tayser: Have you seen the tweet of the pictures we took?!?!? I'm freaking out!!!

Me: I've been busy filming haven't had a chance to look I'll look at them later!

Tayser: ROB!! Richard comment...I'm freaking out!! Go read now!!

I wait for a response but she doesn't respond back and i have to go back and film more. I put my phone back in my chair and go start shooting the last of the scenes for the day. After about 30 more minutes Robert Singer yells cut, telling us we can head home thats all for today. I pick up my phone and see about 20 messages from Taylor!

Tayser: Rob!! Ahh!! Please Rob!!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: =O =O =O

Tayser: Rob!! Help me! I'm freaking out...he commented on the photos!!

Tayser: Rob!!!!! ='(

Tayser: Robert!! Patrick!! Benedict!! Please!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!! hyperventilating now!

Tayser: Rob!! where are you i need you!!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!!

Tayser: Rob!! Please!!!

After seeing her messages I go look at the tweet and laugh at some of the photos and I tear up reading the message she put with it!! I retweet it saying.

@tayackles87 My Sweet Sweet Tayser! Your a bright star! Your smile lights up a room!! Thanks for making me tear up with that message. Always smile my sweet sweet Tayser! Never let anyone take your smile away! I'll bring Chuck out and we all know what a dick he can be!! LOL!!!

I press the retweet button and go read the comment that has Taylor freaking out. I laugh reading knowing that its totally something that Rich would say. I decide to comment back with

@dicksp8jr Hey Rich wouldn't you like to know!! She's the sweetest most lovable girl there is! To bad you don't know her!! =P  I decide to text Taylor back before she has a panic attack.

Me: Hey Tayser...just getting all your messages...I was filming...we're done now...i just read Rich's me at the bench we were at this morning and we can talk.

Taylor's POV

While waiting for Rob to text back I get two more notifications from twitter. I open twitter again I see that Rob retweeted the photos and I smile as I read his message. Then i see he commented back to Richard!! My smile fades as read what he wrote back!! He's joking with him...this is serious!! My phone dings its a text from Rob wanting me to meet him at the bench we were at this morning! I text him back saying I'm on my way! I walk to the bench and see Rob sitting there. He smiles when he sees me but I'm angry with him! "Rob why are you joking this is serious!!! Why'd you comment back to him!!!" He laughs! "Rob!!!! It's not funny!!! I'm freaking out!!" He grabs my arm and pulls me down on the bench next to him! My breath is heavy from freaking out! Rob takes my face in his hands and says "Tayser look at me!" I look into his sky blue eyes. "Breath in, Breath out. Relax and calm yourself. I promise you you're making more out of Rich's comment then need be. So he thinks your cute...I look at that as a good thing!" As he finishes his last sentence my breathing slows and he removes his hands from my face. My phone dings it's Jensen!

Jensen: Tay! Where are you? You ready to leave? Come on!

Me: I'm talking with Rob. I'll be there in a few minutes.

I look at Rob and say "That was Jensen he's ready to go." Rob smiles at me saying "Better get going then before he goes off again." I get up and Rob walks me back to Jensen's trailer. 

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