Party Gone Wrong

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I pull Rich to me and kiss him passionately, pulling back short of breath I place my forehead on his. His amber whiskey eyes burning into mine. "Rich we need to be careful. Jensen almost caught us. If Pellegrino hadn't stop him, he would have saw us." Rich stares at me for a moment before sighing and saying "I know Gorgeous I was fine keeping my distance until I saw you dancing with Matt and it made me extremely jealous. I had to feel you." I give him a seductive grin and pull him in for another kiss he growls as I pull away. "Your sexy when your jealous Rich." He goes to kiss me again I pull back causing him to pout. "Rich we need to get back to the party someone is going to notice us gone. Besides I have to find Rob." Rich steps back helping me off the counter. He gives me a confused look before saying "What's going on with you and Rob? The two you have been talking a lot lately." I sigh looking away from him and think to myself, If only I could tell you. "Taylor hello?? What's going on between you and Rob??" Without facing him I whisper "Rich...I...can't..nothing..going...on" as a tear falls down my face. He grabs my face trying to pull it up to him I try to pull away. He grabs it and sees the tear that escaped. "Taylor why do I feel like you're lying to me." Another tear escapes I look into his amber eyes to see them filled with betrayal and hurt. "Rich please believe me when I say there's nothing going on between Rob and I. There's just some stuff happening in my life that he's been helping me through." He stares into my eyes and opens his mouth to talk when there's a knock on the door and we hear Kim "Come on whoever's in there other people have to go to the bathroom!"

Rich looks at me and turns to walk out the door. "Rich? Please...wait!" He ignores me and keeps walking. Kim looks at Rich and then back at me with tears threatening to escape. She walks to me taking me in her arms and hugging me. "Everything okay??" I lie and say "yes everything's fine we just almost got caught by Jensen so I told him we needed to slow down and it upset him." She hugs me again I look over her shoulder seeing Rob still sitting in the corner of the room with an almost empty bottle of Whiskey. "Kim i'm fine I promise, will you excuse me I need to go talk to Rob about something." She nods and walks away. I wipe my face and slowly walk over to Rob. As I get close to him I touch his shoulder and say "Hey Robbie you okay!" He jumps as I touch his shoulder the looks up to see its me and he breaks. He starts sobbing uncontrollably. I sit next to him and wrap him in my arms and rub his back as he sobs into my neck. 

Richard's POV

I walk away from Taylor feeling horrible. Why do I feel like she's lying? Why do I think something's going on with her and Rob? I hear her call my name with pain in her voice but I don't turn around. I hear Kim ask her if everything is okay but before she answers I'm to far away to hear what she says. I get into the kitchen and grab a beer turning to see Kim hugging her and then she walks over toward someone in the corner of the room. Then I see who it is...It's Rob sitting there with an almost empty bottle of whiskey. I think to myself what the hell Rob never drinks Whiskey. As Taylor gets close to him she touches his shoulder causing him to jump. She says something to him and as he looks up I swear it looks like he's starts crying. Next thing I know Taylor is on the couch next to him holding him and rubbing his back as he sobs into her shoulder. I stand there in confusion!

Taylor's POV

My heart breaks as I sit and hold Rob as he sobs into my shoulder. I whisper sweet nothings into his ear. I attempt to take away the almost empty Whiskey bottle. He pulls away looking at me his eyes puffy and red from the alcohol and crying. "Robbie you've drank enough for tonight. Let me have the bottle please." He lets out a sigh handing it over. I notice Billy and Stephen talking with with Ruth and Bri. I motion for them to come over. They come over and Billy takes one look at Rob and says "Robbie man what the hell happened?" Rob looks up at him and shrugs. "Will you guys help me get him upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms." They nod and pull him up and walk him up the stairs. I follow them. As I do I feel eyes on me, I turn to see Rich watching me. I sigh wishing so much that I could tell him whats going on but I can't because I promised Robbie I wouldn't. I turn and follow the guys up the stairs.

We get him into a bedroom and the guys plop him onto the bed. I look at them saying "Thanks guys I can take it from here." They nod and walk out the room leaving me with a now passed out Rob. I sigh and start to pull off his shoes. I get them off and swing his legs onto the bed. I pull a blanket over and kiss his forehead. "Goodnight sweet Robster!" I turn to walk out but he grabs my arm saying "Tayser will you stay and lay with me please. I don't want to be alone! I'm so tired of being alone!" I nod as I climb in bed with him. He snuggles close to me and whispers "I'm sorry Tayser?" I run my fingers through his hair. "Sorry for what Robster?" He sighs "" I go to say something back but I hear his light snores. I smile and untangle myself from him. As I walk out the room I turn make sure Rob is asleep and as I close the door I run into something hard. I look up realizing its Richard's chest. He looks down at me. As he looks into my eyes I see an expression in his amber eyes. I'm not sure what it is. "What's wrong with Bobbo?" I stare into his eyes until I can't anymore. "Rich...I..I.. can't..I...promised Rob I wouldn't say anything." I go to look away but he pulls my face back to his. He watches my face seeing the pain in my eyes. "Taylor he's my best friend. I've known him for years and I've never seen him drink whiskey like that or break. What's going on." Tears begin to fill my eyes. "Rich...I...can't...I..promised." He looks at me and sighs and walks away leaving me standing there as the tears fall from my face. 

I suddenly don't want to be here anymore. As I begin to walk downstairs I bump into something or someone. I look up and I'm staring into Matt's grey eyes. He sees my tear stained face. "What's wrong Taylor??" I shake my head, "I don't wanna talk about it Matty but I don't wanna be here anymore can you take me back to Jensen's please." He pulls me to him hugging me tightly saying "Of course Taylor come on lets go." I walk out the door with him walking right past Richard. I feel his eyes on me but right now I don't care. I just want to get home.

As we're driving neither of us say anything for a while. I look out the window as my crying begins to slow. "Matty I'm sorry for asking you to leave and bring me home." I see him glance at me then back to the road. "Taylor its no problem I was about to head out anyway. You sure you don't want to talk about what's bothering you." I give him a weak smile. "Matty I promise I'm fine just have a lot going on right now. Thanks though." We pull into the driveway and turn to Matt and say "thanks again" jump out and run to the door. I unlock it and race up the stairs. My phone starts dinging. I look and see I've a message from Jensen wanting to know where I went? Then I have like two from Rich that I don't bother to read. I don't feel like dealing with any of that right now. I text Jensen back saying that I got Matt to bring me home cuz I wasn't feeling good. I decide to turn off my phone. I put on my pjs and lay in bed and pass out.

The next morning....

Rob's POV

I try to open my eyes and realize I have a splitting headache. "FUCK!" I grab my head and try to remember what happened last night. I sit up and look around wondering where the hell I am. Then it hits me, I'm in one of Richie's spare bed rooms but how'd I get here. Then I start to recall the events from last night. I remember being on stage and someone requesting we play Homesick. We did and i broke down thinking of Mollie. Then I remember grabbing a bottle of whiskey and after that I can only remember bits and pieces. I remember Taylor walking over to me on the couch and crying....then I remember her laying here with me. I look at my phone and see it's 10 the next morning. I decide to text her and find out what happened.

Taylor's POV

I'm laying in bed and I hear my phone ding. I roll over seeing a message from Rob.

Rob: Hey Tayser! What happened last night? I only remember bits and pieces.

Me: Rob? You drank almost a whole bottle of whiskey. When I found you inside, you were so wasted. I had to get Billy and Stephen to help bring you upstairs.

Rob: I'm sorry Tayser. ;(

Me: Rob...I can't do this anymore!

Rob: Can't do what Tayser? What happened.

Me: I can't keep lying to Rich. We got into a fight last night because he thinks something is going on between me and you. You have to tell him Rob. He's your best friend. He senses something isn't right.

Rob: Tayser I'm so sorry...I should have never asked you to keep it from him. I'll talk to him about it today I promise.

Me: Okay Rob. TTYL

Rob: TTYL.

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