Almost Caught

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About 2 hours later everyone starts to show up. Rob and the guys are playing on stage. I'm standing talking with Kim, and Ruth! They are asking me what's going with me and Richard! I just laugh and say nothing as I feel eyes on me. I turn to see Richard watching me. I'm busy staring into his eyes I don't notice someone come up behind me and pull me into his arms and whisper "Hey beautiful wanna dance with the devil!" I giggle and shriek "Pellegrino!!" I turn in his arms and throw my arms around his neck as he picks me up spinning me. As he puts me down I hear Rob start playing The Devil Went Down to Georgia! I laugh and say "Pellegrino why do I have a feeling you had something to do with this song!" He shrugs giving me a devilish grin as he holds out his hand for me to dance. I take it as he starts to spin me around. We dance and laugh until the song ends and he kisses my hand saying "Thanks for the dance beautiful!" I grin at him "You're welcome Marky!" He winces at the nickname but smiles walking off over to where Richard is standing with Misha and Mark Shepard. Richard catches my eye again giving me his mischievous grin making me blush.

I hear someone request that Rob play Homesick. I feel my heart plummet. I know that's a song he wrote for Mollie. As the music starts I look up at the stage and see Rob staring at me. He starts to sing the words. I can hear the hurt in his voice I know no else notices it. He continues singing the song staring at me as a single tear runs down his cheek. The song ends and Rob stands there for a few minutes staring at me before saying "Okay guys we're going to take a break for a little bit but feel free to come enjoy some karaoke." He puts his guitar down and walks off the stage heading toward the house, I'm about to head after him when I hear a very familiar voice say "Taylor is that you??" I turn around to see Matt Cohen standing there grinning at me. If I'm being honest I'd say that yes I have a little crush on him. I run and leap into his arms and scream "Matty!! I've missed you!" He hugs me tightly before asking to dance. He places his arms around my waist as I put my arm around his neck as someone starts singing Crazy in Love by Beyonce. Matt and I talk about how the time he pranked Jensen with shaving cream and toilet paper causing me to laugh so hard. As we continue to dance I feel someone staring at me, I glance up and met Richard's intense glare. I swear it looks like he's jealous.

Richard's POV

I'm talking with Misha, Mark Shepard, and Pellegrino. I look up and she Taylor slow dancing extremely close with Matt Cohen. They are talking as she throws her head back in laughter. I can't but get a little jealous. I hear Pellegrino says "Earth to Richie!" When I don't respond he follows my gaze and "Richie man you keep staring like that and they are going to spontaneously com bust!" Taylor looks up and notices me staring at her and her eyes meet mine and her face drops. The song ends and I see them hug and as Matt kisses her hand and walks off.

Taylor's POV

As the song ends Matt kisses my hand and walks away saying we need to chat one day. I look over at Richards who is still staring at me and it looks like Pellegrino is giving him some shit. As much as I want to go over and talk to him, I decide I need to find Rob. I walk into the house feeling Richard's eyes follow me the whole way. I scan the room to try and find Rob. Finally I see him sitting at the far corner of the room by himself with a glass in his hand with a bottle of Whiskey on the table in front of him. I look at him and I can't but think My poor sweet Rob! He's hurting so much. I start to walk over to him but I feel someone grab me by the waist and pull me into the bathroom. Once we're inside the small guest bathroom I'm face to face with Richard. He's amber whiskey eyes burning into my light green ones. Before I say anything his lips are crashing into mine and he has me up on the counter top standing between my legs. He starts kissing down my neck leaving a hot trail as he does. A soft moan escapes my lips and his hands slide up my dress and rest on my inner thigh. "" I manage to get out those few words between moans and pants but Richard continues kissing my neck down to my cleavage. As he kisses the valley between my breasts he pulls me to the edge of the counter pressing his bulging cock into my now hot core. "Richard...please..mmmm...don't tease me." He pulls me closer pushing his now throbbing cock harder against me. He begins nibbling on my ear causing more moans to escape. He whispers "Tell me your mine Taylor!" I try to pull away so I can look at him but his has an iron grip on me. "Richard what are you talking about??" He grinds himself harder against me "Seeing you dance with Matt earlier made me extremely jealous and I need to hear you say your mine Taylor! I'm falling so hard for you and it scares the hell out of me!"I grin and pull his face up so I'm looking into his beautiful eyes. "Rich I'm completely and utterly yours!" As I finish talking he grins realizing that for the first time I called him Rich instead of Richard. His lips crash into mine again. His tongue plunges into my mouth as were having a heated make out/dry hump session I hear Jensen's voice outside the door and it sounds like he's talking with Pellegrino. We freeze as the handle on the door turns and the door starts to open. I'm relieved when I see Jensen's back to us but Pellegrino looks into the bathroom and sees my panicked face and thank goodness he acted quickly and pulled Jensen with him causing the door to close behind him. I look at Rich and we both let out a breath nether of us realized we were holding. 

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