Face-time Sex

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It's been a month and a half since Prom and Richard hasn't been able to visit but we've talked everyday. We've even had video sex a few times. Josh finally came around to the idea of me dating not so much the me having sex though.

I am freaking out because Graduation is a week away and I still have a ton of stuff to do. I was trying to get some last minute school work done when I heard my phone ringing. I look expecting it to be Richard but smile when I see it's Jensen. I answer. 

Me: "Hey J! What's up?" 

 I smile as he starts talking. 

Jensen: "Hey Tay! What you doing?"

Me:  "Nothing just trying to get everything done before graduation next week."

 I hear him sigh. 

Jensen: "I can't believe you're graduating next week! What happened to my sweet little Taylor!"

 I giggle

Me: "I'm still your sweet Taylor just not little anymore!" 

He laughs

Jensen: "I know Tay! Anyway I'm calling because I was wondering if you still want a job on Supernatural. We have an opening for a love interest for Gabriel. I figured since you and Rich are together in real life now, you would maybe wanna come audition."

 I shriek into the phone causing Jensen to groan! 


I hear him laugh again.

Jensen: "He knows they are looking for someone but he doesn't know I'm asking you." 

I grin. 

Me: "Okay! Let's keep it a secret! I wanna surprise him! When do I need to come audition!" 

Jensen chuckles 

Jensen: "Alright Tay I won't say anything to Rich! Auditions don't start until after your Graduation!"

 I giggle.

Me: "Yay! I'm so excited! I need to get going though. I still have so much to do before graduation next week! I love you J!"  

Jensen: "I love you too Tay!!" 

As soon as I hang up with Jensen I decide to text Rob I have to tell someone the news. 


I wait for him to respond after about 5 minutes my phone rings and I smile seeing Rob's name flash across the screen! I answer it! 

Rob: "Hey Tayser! What's wrong?"

Me: "Hey Robster! Nothing everything is terrific! I just got off the phone with Jensen!"

Rob: "Okay! What did he want!"

Me: He said that they are looking for someone to audition for Gabriel's love interest. He wanted to know if i'd be interested.

Rob: I know he talked to me about it! So what did you tell him?

Me: I TOLD HIM YES OF COURSE! I told him not say anything to Rich though. I want to surprise him. So that goes for you Mr. Benedict! 

Rob laughs at her saying Mr. Benedict! 

 Rob: Okay Ms. Ackles I won't say anything to Rich! So you ready for graduation?

Me: UMMM Hell no! I'm freaking out! I've got so much to do before next week and I feel like I'm going to forget something. Only exciting thing is that Jensen, Jared, Misha, Matty, and you are able to come! I'm bummed though because Richard says hes gonna be busy filming and won't be able to make it. 

Rob laughs, "Tayser sweetheart calm down before you have a panic attack. Everything will be fine. Jensen is coming a few days early. I was going to surprise you but I'm going to come with him and spend some time with you." 

As Rob finishes talking my call waiting goes off. I look seeing its Rich. "Thanks for calming me down Robbie but Richard is calling. I'll talk to you soon. Love ya!" Rob chuckles Love you too Tayser! Bye!" I hang up with Rob and click to over to Richard. I grin saying "Hello Sexy!" I hear Rich chuckle "Hey Gorgeous! What took you so long to answer?" I chuckle. "I was on the phone with Robbie. We talking about graduation next week. He was telling me that he's going to come few days early with Jensen." Rich sighs into the phone. "Gorgeous I'm so sorry I can't come to your graduation. I feel horrible. I wanna be there for you!" I shallow holding back tears. I try to speak but my voice breaks as a tear escapes my eye. "Rich its f....." I can't finish my sentence as the tears start to fall. Rich hears my voice break and then hears my low sobs. "Taylor baby please don't cry! I promise I'll make it up to you baby!" I sniffle. "Rich I miss you!! I need you to hold me!"Richard sighs, "Baby I know it's killing me being so far away from you! You're all I dream about at night! I'll come see you soon baby I promise! I'm won't be able to stay away to much longer!" I smile "Richie can we Face-time I need to see you!" "Of course we can gorgeous!" Next thing I know he's Face-timing me. I smile  seeing his face. "My Gosh Rich have I told you how incredibly sexy you are!" He chuckles "You may have mentioned it a few times my sexy girl. BTW I love the shirt!" His eyes wonder down to my breasts that are almost exposed in my low cut spaghetti strap shirt. "Hey you prev my eyes are up here!" I chuckle as his beautiful golden eyes flicker up to my face with a big grin on his face. "I'm sorry Gorgeous it's just that I miss you so  much. I miss the way your lips feel against mine. I miss the way your skin feels under my hands. I miss the way you look at me when we make love and the way you moan my name! My Gosh Taylor I'm so lost without you!" I tear up. "I know Richie I miss all of that to! So much! I dream of you doing things to me and I wake up so horny for you! Rich I'm so in love with you it scares me!" He smirks as he wiggles his eyebrows. "Hmm what kinda things do you dream of me doing to you baby!"

I smirk. "You start by kissing my lips then work your way to my neck. Your hands explore my body! Then you slowly tease me with your fingers until I'm withering under you and just as I'm about to cum I wake up! A lot of times I wake up with my own fingers in myself!" I smile seeing his golden eyes darken with lust as he lets out a low growl. "My gosh Gorgeous! I so wish I could do that for you baby." He groans as he reaches down adjusting himself in his tight jeans. "MMM Rich are you hard?" He groans louder lowering the phone so I can see the bugle in his jeans. "What you think Gorgeous. Am I hard?" I groan seeing the bulge in his jeans. "I wish I was there to help you with that!"He smirks at  me "Me to baby but you can help me. Why don't you take off your shorts and panties and let me see you play with yourself!" I smile at him as I place my phone so he say a full body view and I wiggle out of my tight booty shorts smiling since I'm not wearing any panties. I hear Rich growl as I wiggle out of them and then seeing I'm not wearing panties. "Rich am I going to get to see you stroke yourself!" He moans as I slide a finger across my wet folds as he undoes his jeans pulling them and his boxers off. I groan seeing his rock hard cock. I push a finger into myself groaning loudly as Rich strokes himself. "That's it my naughty girl pleasure yourself! Show me how much of a naughty girl you can be! Show me how much you miss my cock baby!"I moan as he talks dirty to me pushing in two more fingers as my thumb rubs my clit. While with my other hand I play with one of my breasts. "MMM Rich I wish you were here to fuck me! Your cock feels so much better than my fingers!"He growls pumping his cock watching me wither and moan his name! "Cum with me baby! I'm so close!" I curl my fingers pumping them into myself hard and fast. After a few thrusts and Rich's sweet voice talking dirty to me while I watch him stroke himself I feel the knot in my stomach release as I cum like never before. I feel as my cum runs down my leg onto my bed and I look at my phone just in time to see Rich stroke himself one last time as he cums hard groaning my name.  "MY Gosh Taylor baby that was amazing. Only thing that would have been better is if I was there to clean up that mess you made!" I smile at his words "I love you Richard Speight Jr." He grins "I love you Taylor Nicole Ackles!!" We talk for a few hours before says he has to go. He promises to call me as soon as he can as hang up. 

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