Richard? Party?

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I woke up at 5:00 the next morning to get ready to go to set with Jensen! I was so excited to hang out on set all day with Jared, Misha, and Rob! I started on my makeup it took me about 30 minutes to do it. Then I decided to straighten my hair that took about an hour since I have thick wavy hair naturally! When I was done with my hair I went to the huge walk in closet and decided to wear a  Brown off the shoulder button up with my a pair of my favorite jean shorts and some white sandals.

 Then I decided to straighten my hair that took about an hour since I have thick wavy hair naturally! When I was done with my hair I went to the huge walk in closet and decided to wear a  Brown off the shoulder button up with my a pair of my favor...

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 By the time I got done I heard a knock on my door and Jensen asking if I was ready to go. I grab my phone and open the bedroom door saying "Yes ready." Jensen glares at me. I think to myself I already know what's shorts are to short. Sure enough the next words out of his mouth "Those shorts are a bit short don't you think." I roll my eyes and walk around him and say "NO I DON'T NOW LETS GO!" I hear him mumble something under his breath probably something to do with my shorts. I swear sometimes he acts more like my dad than my brother. We got in his car and drove to the set where Jensen showed me around a little bit before it got to crowded then we started to walk to his trailer. As we were walking I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I couldn't help but grin as i heard Jared's voice say "Taylor is that you! Where the hell have you been!! It's been ages!!" I turn and run to him and he picks me up off the ground hugging me a little to tightly. "Jared I can't breathe!" He sets me down saying "Sorry, so Jensen told me you're staying with him and Danneel for two weeks. You have to come to the party Rich is throwing next Saturday night!" My cheeks blush as I hear Jared mention Richard. He notices and grins. Thank Goodness my back was to Jensen and he couldn't see. Before I could answer Jared, Jensen was already answering for me. "Jar are you crazy there's no way in hell I'm letting Taylor go to a party thrown by Rich! You know how wild his parties get!" I'm a little bummed that Jensen doesn't want me to go to the party and Jared notices it. Jensen starts walking to his trailer. Jared puts his arm around my waist as we start to walk and he whispers so Jensen can't hear him. "I'll talk to him and try to convince him to let you go." I smile and mouth thanks to him as we get to Jensen's trailer. Jensen walks in followed by Jared. As I'm about to walk up the steps I hear two more familiar voices! "That can't be my sweet Tayser!" I hear Rob yell out at me. To which Misha responds "No Rob that can't be her! Taylor is just a little girl!" I grin as I turn and run to the both of them! I leap into Rob's arms and twirls me around. "I've missed you Tayser! When did you grow up! I can't believe you'll be 18 Friday!" As he puts me down I leap into Misha's arms and he twirls me too. "Taylor you need to stop growing  making me feel old." He sets me back down and I laugh hearing "Jared say You are old Misha." Misha looks at Jared and says "That's not funny Jared!"

I turn and walk with my arms linked in Misha and Robs as we make our way to Jensen's trailer. Once we are all inside. I notice Rob look over at Misha and wink. "So Tayser are you going to Rich's party next Saturday?" Before I can say or do anything Jensen yells "FOR FUCK SAKE! SHE'S NOT GOING TO RICH'S PARTY! THERE'S NO WAY I'M LETTING MY BABY SISTER GO TO ONE OF RICH'S PARTIES." Everyone is in shock, no one says anything. Rob looks over at me and see that I'm upset. Rob has always been able to read me like an open book. He was the first one to figure out that i had a crush on Richard. He swore he wouldn't tell a soul. The first time I met him he started calling me Tayser and it stuck. I can't really remember why he started to call me that though. "Tayser you wanna take a walk with me to makeup?" I give him a small forced smile and nod. He gets up and holds his hand out for me, I take it and walk out Jensen's trailer with him. As we start to walk to makeup neither of us say anything. I feel tears start to fall down my cheeks. Rob notices and pulls me to sit with him on a bench. "Tayser look at me." I stare at my feet not wanting him to see me cry. He puts his hand under my chin and pulls my face up so I'm forced to look into his sky blue eyes. "Tayser what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I look into his eyes for a moment before looking down. "Rob why does Jensen have to be so protective? He's worse then our dad is! You know how long and how much I've wanted to meet Richard. He's having a party and I can't go because Jensen is so protective!" More tears flow down my cheeks as Rob pulls my face back up again forcing me to look at him again. "Tayser I feel like your my own kid! Heck I've known you most of your life and I know how much you wanna meet Rich and I promise you I will do everything in my power to convince Jensen to let you go next Saturday. Okay now where is my smile! Don't make me bring Chuck out!" He says the last part with a chuckle causing me smile. "There's my beautiful smile." I hug him tightly and say "Rob I don't know what I'd do without you! Thanks!" He squeezes me taking my breath away. "Your welcome Tayser!"

As I pull away i say why don't we take a picture to post to twitter. He smiles taking out his phone. We take a few serious ones then a bunch of silly ones but as we are about to tweet them Misha shows up saying that Makeup is looking for Rob. Rob sends me the pictures and tells me to tweet them. He hugs me once more and runs off with Misha to makeup. As I watch them disappear my phone dings. I pull it out of my pocket and see the photos Rob and i just took. I open my twitter app and begin to upload the photos making sure to tag Rob! While the photos are uploading i write a caption to go with them.

@RobBenedict Rob Benedict truly is a God send! He's the sweetest guy around. He'll make you laugh when you don't think you can. Thanks Rob! Your the best! XOXOXO #robbenedictrules

As the last picture loads and it finishes posting to twitter you get another message and you see its from Jensen.

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