My Birthday

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Richard: Hey Gorgeous. I'm glad you tweeted that photo! What are you doing.

Me: Hello. I'm not doing much just got into my pjs. Which you would like!! =P

Richard: You should send me a picture.

I smile and decide to send him one. I jump in my bed and kinda pull up the shirt a little so you can almost see up it and snap the picture then press send!

Me: =P

Richard: =O My goodness girl! Your killing me with these photos you keep sending me. LOL! BTW I do love the shirt! ;-) But honestly I'm more curious what's underneath it.

Me: ;-P Haha. It's a secret. Maybe one day you'll get to see but for now that's all you get.

Richard: :'( LOL! So what are you doing tomorrow. I was going to see you wanted to go out?

Me: Umm.. I'm not sure...tomorrow is my birthday and I'm not sure what Jensen has planned. So are you saying you wanna take me on a date?

Richard: Well if tomorrow is your birthday it's all the more reason for me to take you out and yes I am asking you on a date but let's not let Jensen in on that. Lol! You think Jensen is gonna let you come to the cast party I'm hosting Saturday?

Me: Give me a minute I'll go ask him about going out tomorrow! As far as going to the party I'm not sure. I really wanna come but I'm sure not he's gonna let me. He says your parties are a little wild! LOL!! 

I set my phone on the bed and run out the room and downstairs. I walk into the living room where Jensen and Danneel are watching TV. "Hey guys!" They both look up and say hey at the same time. "Jensen Can I go hang out with Richard tomorrow for my birthday and can I please go to his party Saturday?" He gives me a stern look. I swear he's worse than dad. "Absolutely Not to both. What the hell is going on with you two! I saw the pictures you tweeted!" I look at him on the verge of tears. I see his face soften as he sees my tears. "Nothing is going with us! We're just friends (i wasn't lying technically we weren't dating yet) and he wants to take me out for my birthday. Plus I really wanna go to his party Saturday! Jensen Please let me go!!! It's my birthday and if you love me you'll let me go out with him tomorrow and to the party Saturday." Jensen starts to speak but Danneel cuts him off. "Jensen she'll be 18 tomorrow and I know she's your baby sister and you wanna protect her but you can't keep her sheltered forever. Let her go out with Rich tomorrow and Let her go to the Party Saturday." Jensen looks at Danneel then to me before he says "Fine you can go after you hang out with us for little bit. Danneel and I wanna take you out and show you around. I  guess you can go to the party Saturday but if you're not back by 10pm  tomorrow then you're not going to the party Saturday understand!" A smile spreads across my face as I run and hug him saying "Thank you so much Jensen, I love you so much!" He hugs me and says "Yeah Yeah! I love you too kid!" I begin to walk back up the stairs and I turn around and Danneel is looking toward me I mouth Thank you to her and that I love her too! She smiles and mouths back your welcome I love you too!! 

I get back up to my room and grab my phone!

Me: Guess what he said I can go out with you tomorrow but it has to be after I hang out with him Danneel and the kids. They wanna take me out and show me around and he said I can go to the party Saturday but I have to be back before  10pm tomorrow or I can't go!

Richard: Awesome! I guess text me whenever you get back to Jensen's and I'll come pick you up.

Me: Okay! So what are you doing?

Richard: Nothing just laying in bed texting you.

Richard: Nothing just laying in bed texting you

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