Emotional Rollercoaster

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Rob puts my arm through his as we make our way back to Jensen's trailer. As we make it there we see Jensen coming out and lock it. He turns to see Rob and me walking arms linked and smirks. "You ready Taylor?' I nod as Rob pulls me in for a hug and whispers "If you need me Tayser you know how to reach me!" He pecks my cheek and squeezes me. He turns and walks away before saying "I need to get home to Mollie and the kids!" Jensen and I walk to his car and we get in. He starts the engine as we drive it's silent until Jensen looks over at me and says "What's going on between you and Rob? The two of you have been kinda hangin out a lot."  I don't say anything at first until he look over at me again. "J it's nothing, I've just had a lot on my mind and he's been helping me." He pulls off the road and looks at me again. "Taylor I'm your brother you know you can come to me right! Be honest with me, is there something between you and Rob. Misha said he saw Rob holding your face earlier!" As I look over at my brother who is looking at me with a very serious look on his face. I can't help it I just burst out laughing as I say "Ewwwww gross J!! I swear there is nothing like that between Rob and I! He's just helping me deal with some stuff that I can't talk to you about." He smirks say "Okay Kid!"

He starts the car and we head back to the house. My phone vibrates i look at it, its a text from Hannah!

NahNah: OMG!!! How come you didn't tell me about Richard posting on your tweet!

I sigh.

Me: I'm still trying to process it.

NahNah: This is big...He said your cute!!!

Me: Yeah...Don't wanna talk about it...I'm tired...TTYL! Night!! XOXO

NahNah: Oh Okay! night XOXO

I could hear the disappointment coming from Hannah. I sighed and turned off my phone. So "J what you wanna do tomorrow for your birthday?" He smirks. If he wasn't my brother I'd probably swoon at him. "I was thinking since we don't have to shoot tomorrow that I could invite Jared, Misha, Rob and maybe Rich over and have a bar b que. I've already asked Jared and Misha and their coming with their families. Gonna text Rob and Rich when we get home." I smile saying "That sounds like fun!"  My stomach gets butterflies thinking of Richard! "So how's it feel knowing your about to be 37 tomorrow!"  He chuckles. "Makes me feel old as hell, especially since i know that in two days you're going to be 18! When did you grow up!" Taylor I swear I still see an annoying little sister crying because you couldn't have your way! I laugh as I say "You are getting old Jensen but I still love you!: He pinches my arm and I slap him. We laugh as we pull into the drive. I get out and I say I'm tired I'm going to go straight to bed. He hugs me and says "Okay kid, I'm going to call Rich and see if he wants to come tomorrow. If you want you can ask Rob." I nod and walk in the door as Jensen sits on the porch and calls Richard.

I pause at the door putting my ear to the door to hear what's going on outside. Jensen must have his phone on speaker because I hear his phone ringing. After the second ring I hear Richard's voice come over the phone with a Chinese accent. "Hello Panda Buffet how can I help you!" My heart skips hearing his voice. I hear Jensen laugh and say "Man you're so stupid!" Richard laughs! My gosh he has such a sexy laugh! I hear his voice again, "What's up J-man?" Jensen says "Not much Rich, You know my birthday is tomorrow. I was thinking since none of us have to film tomorrow that I could bar b que at my house. Jared, Misha are coming for sure. Still gotta ask Rob." There's a pause and then I hear Richard say "I'll be there J-man. I don't have any plans!" They say goodbye and hang up! I run up the stairs to my room and close the door. I pace back and forth freaking out because tomorrow Richard Speight Jr will be here!! What am I gonna do!! I grab my phone! I've gotta text Rob!

Rob's POV

I just got done eating with my Mollie, Calvin, and Audrey. They all headed upstairs to get ready for bed when I heard my phone buzz on the kitchen counter. I walk over and see it's a message from Taylor.

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