The Date

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I hear the doorbell ring and then I hear it open. I hear Jensen telling Richard that he better take care of me! As I walk down the stairs Richard looks up and sees me and I see something in his eyes. Jensen walks toward me and pulls me in for a hug me before he says "Happy Birthday Tay! I love you!: I smile and hug him tightly "I love you too Jerk!" I walk toward Richard as he says "You ready Taylor!" I smile and nod. We walk out the door and when we get to his car he opens the door for me before going to over to the drivers seat. Once we're in the car and driving he reaches into the back seat and hands me a wrapped box. "Richard what is this! He smirks Just a little something I picked up on the way. Open it!"

"Richard you didn't have to get me anything." I open it and pull out a shirt and I laugh when I read it!

"You do realize I'm not going to be able to wear this right!" He chuckles and says "And why not???" I look at him saying "Umm because certain people will get suspicious when I tell them you got me a shirt that says I'm your property

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"You do realize I'm not going to be able to wear this right!" He chuckles and says "And why not???" I look at him saying "Umm because certain people will get suspicious when I tell them you got me a shirt that says I'm your property." He smirks at me and says "Okay so maybe I wasn't thinking about that when I bought it." I grin and say"I do love it though! I can always were it to sleep in. Thanks Richard!" He smiles at me before turning his attention back to the road. "So what are we doing today." He glances at me and gives me a huge smile. "I was thinking we could go to my place and hang out and watch movies, order take out, maybe go for a swim in my indoor pool." I look up at the last part. "Umm Richard I didn't bring anything to swim in." He looks over at me with mischievous grin. 

It makes my heart beat fast and butterflies to go crazy in my stomach! "Who said anything about swimming with clothes on gorgeous and please call me Rich or Richie." As he mentions swimming naked I feel my cheeks grow warm and blush. He notices and chuckles "It is your birthday so shouldn't you swim in your birthday suit." I blush even more at his words and the thought of seeing him naked crosses my mind causing my body to shiver. He chuckles more. "Relax gorgeous I'm only joking. I just wanted to make you blush. If we do decide to go swimming you can wear one of my shirts or something." I only nod looking out the window as my face blushes again. He smiles at me and glances back at the road. We drive for a few more miles and then he pulls into a driveway. I look at the house and my mouth drops. He notices and leans closely and whispers in my ear "Wait till you see the inside." His breath on my ear and neck send chills down my spine. He gets out the car and runs around to open my door offering me his hand to help me out the car. I take it and he leads me to the front door. My phone dings again. He laughs saying "I guess we are going to hear that a lot today." I chuckle saying "Probably so! At least I know I have a bunch of people that care about me. "As he unlocks the door I pull out my phone and see that its a twitter notification. I open twitter to see Rob tweeted on my page. I begin to tear up looking at the picture he tweeted of me in his lap. I had to be about  8. He posted it with the sweetest caption.

@tayackles87  I want to say Happy 18th Birthday to a very special girl today! My sweet sweet Tayser! I can't believe your 18 today. I may have only known you since you were 7 but I've grown to love you so much! I still she the little strong willed, gogeter, feisty firecracker in this photo! The little girl who would kick and scream till she got her way, the same little girl who had and still has everyone wrapped around her finger. How can you be 18! I'd do anything to make you smile. I'd give you the world if I could. So here's to you! Happy Birthday Sweet Sweet Tayser! Love you lots Robster! XOXO

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