Hotel Fun

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He starts to grow slightly hard again causing me to groan into his ear. "Rich!" He chuckles as he pulls out pulling his jeans back up.  I pout causing him to laugh. "More later baby! Now lets get going." I smile and smack his ass as he walks away causing him to turn and give me a half smirk. I climb back into his car as we start to drive out the parking lot. "So Rich where are we going?" He smirks at me before glancing back at the road. "I figured we'd go back to my hotel and watch some movies and cuddle before I have to get you back  home." I slide my had up his leg resting right beside his crotch causing him to let out a moan. "Taylor you better watch where those hands wander!" I lean over and nip at his earlobe as I run my hand across his crotch. "Why Richard what will happen if I don't!" 

He grins at me "You'll find out later!" I giggle as we pull into his hotel. I get out of the car heading to the hotel but Richard grabs my arm pulling me to him and pushes me into the car. "Richard Speight what are you doing?"

He kisses my neck. I moan his name causing him to laugh and pull away. "Richard!" He smirks pulling me to him again starting to make out with me as his hands roam my body. We are so busy making out until I hear someone say something. "Hey you two get a room!" I pull away from him and laugh when I see Rob walking toward us. "Robbie what are you doing here?" He walks over to us and chuckles. "I'm staying at this hotel Tayser. I went out to go get something and was walking back when I saw the two of you sucking face." I laugh hugging him. He squeezes me. He must hold me a little to long. "Hey Bobbo hands off my lady!" I giggle looking at Rich. "Awe Rich are you jealous of Robbie?" Rob chuckles pulling me to him again and hugging me again. Richard stares for a moment. "Okay come on Taylor stop!"I laugh "Richard you have no reason to be jealous of Rob! He's like my dad!" Rob laughs as the three of us start to walk to the hotel lobby. I jump as Richard grabs my ass. "So Robbie what are you going to do?" We walk to the elevator and walk into it. Richard pushes our floor which also happens to be Rob's floor. 

"I was just gonna go hang out in my room and watch some movies." I look at him and grin. "Come to Richard's room and hang out with us." Rob looks at me then to Rich. "Umm Tayser as fun as that sounds I don't think Rich wants me hanging out in the room with the two of you." I look at Rich and see that he is staring at me with a blank look. "Rich can Rob come hang out with us please?" He just continues to look at me. "Gorgeous I don't know. I was kinda hoping it would be the two of us." I give him a pouty face. "Rich you're going to be here for 3 weeks but Rob has to leave tomorrow after my graduation to go back to filming so please let him come hang out?" Rich looks at me and sighs. "Fine Bobbo can come hang with us." I smile and hug Richard tightly. "Thanks Rich you're the best. I love you!!" He smiles back "Yeah Yeah I know Gorgeous I love you!" The elevator dings and the doors open. Rich takes my arm. "Shall we my lady?" I laugh walking with him as I hold out my other arm for Rob. 

He takes it as we all walk to Rich's room. We get to his room. "So what are we gonna do?" I smile as I plop down on the bed. "We could watch a scary movie."  Rich looks at me and then Rob. Rob chuckles "Sounds good to me. You up to it Rich?" Rich laughs sitting next to me pulling me to him. "Hey Bobbo you gonna sit." Rob smiles sitting on the other side of me. "Bobbo grab the remote." He hands Rich the remote. He turns on the TV and flips to the movie channels. "Okay so looks like it's Pet  Sematary, The Conjuring, or The Shinning." Rich looks at me and smiles. "You pick Taylor." I look at him then Rob. "No fair why do I have to pick? Robbie you pick." Rich and Rob laugh.  "Pet Sematary  then." Rich puts on Pet Sematary and pulls me to him. I giggle and lean against him putting my feet in Rob's lap.

"Robbie can you rub my feet?" He laughs "Sure Tayser!" He starts to rub them as the movie starts.  I'm busy watching the movie until I feel Rich get slightly hard. I look up at him to see him grinning down at me. I give a what the hell look. He only smirks shrugging his shoulders. I decide to sit up. He shuffles trying to hide his hardness. I laugh causing Rob to look over. He gives me a look of confusion. I ignore him and turn to the movie to see the scene where the little boy is under the bed and slices the old mans heel. I freak out burying my face into Rob's chest not thinking. Rob holds me as I hear Rich mumble something. 

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