Fat to fit

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Simon's POV
"Hey look its fatty mandy" I say as I saw amanda who is placing her books on the locker. Everyone laughs and she looks embarrassed. Well that's what she deserves.


It was time to go home. I saw Amanda wiping her eyes, pssh she's a cry baby. "Hey babe" lauren says hugging me. "Hi, wanna hang out?" I ask and she smirks. "Of course." She says and we went somewhere private.

Amanda's POV
"Why does this things happen to me?" I say to alesha and she sighs. "You can be free from that soon" she says and I looked at her confused. "What are you planning to do?" I say and she smirks. "Let's find out after graduation" she says and I sighed

Graduation day

Simon's POV
Finally we are officially graduating no more school works and no more disgusting fat Amanda to see.

6 years later

Here I am at syco if you don't know what
It is, I own this and it made me a billionaire. I gotta meet david, ant and dec later on not sure if stephen will come. As I received a text that david is there I started going to starbucks. As I was walking I bumped into someone. "Sorry" she says and keeps walking. She looks familiar though but I can't get the name. Oh well. "Eyy his here!" David says as I entered starbucks and they gave me a hug. "How's your business?" Dec asks giving me my coffee. "Going well"

As we were talking a brunette girl comes in and david called her. It was alesha, fatty mandy's best friend. "Hey guys" She says. "Is Amanda here?" She asks and we raised our shoulders. "How are you being a singer?" Dec asks and she laughs. "Stressful" she says we were to distracted until the bartender called a name. And its just a name it was Amanda Holden. We look at the counter and we saw her walking there taking her drink she's still fat. "She's still fat" I say and they all laugh except alesha. "That ain't her" she says as we look back we saw a sexy hot blonde girl wearing a white skirt and black off shoulder with black heels. We were too distracted that our mouth is already open. "Guys close your mouths!" Alesha says laughing. So I bumped into Amanda earlier?

"Mandy" alesha says the blonde looks at us and she smiles. "Hi" she says coming up to us and sat in front of me. "What happened to you?" Dec asks "uhm I don't know" she says and giggles. "Are you waiting for someone?" David asks and she shooks her head. "Alesha Is already here so" She replies. Suddenly her phone was buzzing "excuse me." She says and answers her phone. "Hey babe" She says as we listen to her without looking. "Yeah... Love you" She says and ended the call. "Who was that?" Ant asks "Her boyfriend" Alesha replies. "Hope you didn't tell him about yourself years ago" I say and the boys try to hold back their laugh. "Ha ha very funny" she says and sips her drink

"Fuck a duck" She says as she looks outside. We turned and we saw a guy who's hunk with a girl. "You ok?" I ask as I turned to her she has now watery eyes. "He lied to me" she says and alesha comforts her. "Want us to help?" Dec asks. She looks at us confused. "You want t-to help me?" She stutters and we nod. "What gives? People change" I say and smiled, wait what?! I smiled to Amanda?. There is something wrong with me. Amanda got out and went to talk to her ex. She signals at us to come out we all then went out. "You made a bad mistake" I say punching gently my other hand. "No I didn't... If it wouldn't be for lauren I would have dated a fat person" he says and lauren turns around. "Hi guys" She says and I fumed. " get away from our sights we don't want a slut here!" I say and lauren looks at me shocked. We look at Amanda who is now sobbing. "I know a place" ant says and we all went in to his car. "I thought he loved me" she sobs. David nudges me to say something. "I should've stayed at America" She says and it breaks my heart seeing her cry. "Hey don't say that if you haven't stayed here we wouldn't be able to reunite" I say and she looks at me confused. "I mean Oh forget it." I say and she giggles slightly.

"We here" Ant announced. We arrived into a lake that is surrounded by tall tress. "Ah brings back memories" David says as he got out. I held my hand out to help Amanda. She accepts and got out of the car. "It looks refreshing" She says and she went near the lake. She takes her heels off and went to sit on the dock. "Simon help her out!" They all say. "Help her out? I've bullied her before." I say and they rolled their eyes. "What gives? people change." Dec says mocking what I said earlier. I sighed and went behind her. Without further notice I tickled her. "Simon stop" she manages to say before she releases her laughs. I stopped and she breaths heavily. "You id-" she says turning but stopped as our lips crashed into each other. My tongue asked for entrance and she accepts it. "What do we have here?" Alesha says and me and Amanda stopped. "I uhm I sh-" I cut her off by saying "Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask and she smiles. Suddenly she kisses me. "You're still the guy who asks directly" she says and we laugh.

"Yeah yeah bla bla now have fun" ant says and pushed us both into the water. "What was that for?" I ask and Amanda was giggling. "Lake partyyy!" David says and jumped into the water. Soon enough they all joined us. I swam deep to scare Amanda.

Amanda's POV
"Where did he go?" I ask and they all gave me a we don't know look. Suddenly I feel someone grab my waist making me scream. I look at the person and it was simon. "You scared the hell out of me" I say and splashed him with water. He splashes back. And we all end up splashing each other

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